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Watching Mine

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Another soft “Yes.”

My dick’s about to explode in my jeans, so I switch to speaker phone and put it on the table beside me. I rip my pants open; relief hits me immediately once I have my hard length in my hand.

“You’re on speaker phone, baby. Tell me where you’re touching yourself.”

Through the binoculars, I see her slip her fingers beneath the edge of her panties. On the phone, she says, “I’m touching my pussy and it feels so good.” Another moan.

“How wet are you? Would my cock slip right inside?”

I move my palm over my cock and imagine it’s her pussy that’s gripping me right now. I know she’d be fucking soaking wet.

“Yes,” she moans. “Oh, God, Nathan. I’m so wet.”

“Hmm… I bet you’d taste so damn good right now. Take two fingers and push them inside you. Get them good and wet for me.”

I nearly shoot my load when she bends at the waist so she can push her fingers inside. I swipe the bead of precum from the tip of my dick and swirl it around the underside, then hiss when the sensation and view of Emberleigh stuffing herself with her fingers is almost too much.

“Now pull them out and suck on them. Pretend it’s my mouth sucking your juices off your fingers.”

My hips buck unintentionally when she pulls her fingers from her panties and places the tips at her lips. Her tongue reaches out and licks before she sucks them inside. Her moan reaches my ear.

“Do you like how you taste, Emberleigh?” I ask roughly.

“Yes,” she whimpers.

“I know you do. Now play with your pussy again. I’m close, baby. Rub your clit for me.”

When her fingers find her pussy again, she shouts. As much as I love watching her lose herself through the binoculars, hearing her passion-filled cries makes it so much fucking better. The only thing that would beat it is being there with her.

I fist my cock faster, knowing she’s close and wanting to come with her. Her soft cries become loud moans and each one has me growing closer. When her hips lift off the bed and she screams, my release erupts all over my stomach.

Her heavy breathing matches mine. I reach back and grab the shirt, laying it over the cum on my stomach. I pull the binoculars away from my eyes and tip my head back, twisting it from side to side a few times to try t

o relieve some of the tension in the muscles. When I bring them back to my face, Emberleigh has rolled to her side facing the window, the phone tucked between her head and the pillow. She looks sated and relaxed. A damn fine look on her.

“Mmm… that was so good,” she purrs into the phone.

“Fuck yeah, it was.”

I want to ask her where she was last Tuesday, but I hold the question back, knowing there’s no reasonable explanation as to why I would know she wasn’t at her place.

“You made me all sticky and sweaty. I need a shower.”

Images of her with water rolling down her body has my satiated body coming to life once again. I close my eyes and capture the image to explore later.

“Go get clean.”

“Okay,” she says softly.

I rise from my seat and walk the few steps to the window. I zero in on her face and find her lazily gazing out of the window from her position on the bed. A sudden need to have her eyes connected with mine has me stepping back, knowing it would be a mistake if she did. It’s dark in the room behind me, only the light over the stove on, but I’m not willing to take the chance.

I’m just about to end our conversation, when she sits up in bed and her voice stops me.

“I want to see you again.”

The phone creaks in my hand with my tight grip. I drop the binoculars down by my side and take a silent breath. She’s silent on the other end of the phone, except for her soft breaths.

I want to see her again too. So fucking bad that my body vibrates with it. For the past week, I’ve pushed the need to see her in person back, hoping it would wane and disappear. I’ve been able to ignore it, but seeing her in her apartment and hearing her through the phone has brought back that need tenfold.

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