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Dear Diary (Love, Daddy 7)

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“This is scary.” Her words sound breathless and frightened.

“Don’t be afraid, I’ll always keep you safe.” I bite her neck, holding my cock up behind her ass cheeks.

“But what if the glass gives way? We’ll fall seventy floors…” she whispers as I nudge her back entrance with my cock head, and she wriggles back onto it.

“I’ll never let anything bad happen to you, baby. I’ll always be here.”

A bottle of lube in the desk drawer comes quickly to hand, and I generously squirt it out onto my cock and between her ass cheeks. Then I yank her around, lifting her onto the desk.

“I want to see your pretty face when I take you this way for the first time, baby girl. Every hole, mine. It’s going to feel strange, but you can do it. Remember the plug?”

She lifts her legs higher and falls back on the desk, nodding. “Yes, Daddy, I trust you.”

“Good girl.”

Spreading her legs wide, I push the head of my cock into place and I see her tense. I wait, reining it in. Not exerting more pressure until she’s relaxed.

“Let me in, baby. That’s my home you’re squeezing shut on me.”

Her plea is a shattered whimper. “I’m scared…”

She’s trusting me with all of her and I know it’s my job to earn that trust from her, every day.

Holding her thighs up, I ease forward, then pause again, watching.

The emotions flicker across her beautiful face. “Oww! It stings…” Her mouth falls open and she squints one eye shut.

“You are my best girl. Don’t ever forget that, baby.”

More pressure as she hisses and covers her cheeks with her hands.

My patience with her will be infinite and I’m showing my restraint right now.

I shift forward, feeling her tighten, then relax, and when she does, I slip in another inch, hold still, then another, until her tiny body has taken nearly all of me. Her spine arches as I hold myself inside her.

“Good girl. You’ve been very brave. I’m almost all the way in.”

“Okay, Daddy.”

“You like me fucking your ass don’t you?”.

Pleasure makes her cheeks flush.

Her eyes close and I can’t bear it. “Look at me, baby. Look at Daddy.”

She does. I grind my teeth. The butt plug has done its job, training her so this doesn’t cause her harm or agonizing pain. Slowly, I burrow in, starting to pulse in and out in a slow rhythm, and before long she's clawing at my shoulders and chest. Her head thrashes against the desk, her hair a wild mess as my balls press to her pussy.

I growl down at her. “Naughty girl. You love a cock in your ass, I knew you would.”

She whines with every thrust, her pussy dribbling so much juice it seeps down over my cock.

Tremors rock her body, and the sight of her whining and gasping, tears rolling down her cheeks, tips my orgasm over the edge, shocking me with its ferocious culmination.

I relish the waves scorching my skin, my balls, my cock, as my cum erupts and fills her.

I rock with the spasms of my climax, holding her small, limp body up against me. Crushing her, holding her face in my hands as my cock erupts and I know I’ll never let her go. I’ve known since that first night, but now, it’s so real, I know she will be everything to me. Even my wife.

I'm still holding her tight ass on my cock, when I walk to the bathroom and slowly place her on her feet in the shower. She looks at me with reverence as I warm the water and step inside next to her while I rub soap between her cheeks and down her legs. Cleaning us both before wrapping her in a huge white robe.

She moans as she attempts to walk. “Oh, it hurts, Daddy…”

I slip my arms around her and lift. Carrying her to the bed, she winces as I lay her down.

“Are you hurt, baby? Or, it hurts. There’s a difference.”

“It hurts. Not a lot, but a little. It’s just a funny feeling. Like you’re sort of still in there…” She smiles with her eyes closed. “But it feels so good to know you are taking care of me now. All of me.”

My chest tightens, and in that moment, I know I'm ready for more. A lot more.

Pulling open my nightstand drawer, I unlatch the hidden compartment and the bottom of the drawer flicks apart, revealing a long, black-velvet case and a smaller, red square one.

Pulling out the longer box, I hold it out to her.

“What's this?”

“Something else so you will know you are mine.”

Her eyes light up and she snaps the box open. A gasp leaves her lips as the light hits the diamond collar.

A wide band of pure white gold, with rows of one-carat diamonds banded together.

“Are you kidding me?”

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