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Dear Diary (Love, Daddy 7)

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“Why not?” I whine.

“Because…” He grabs a handful of my hair and I so love the sting, the burn in my scalp. “Because I miss your sweet, horny cunt. I need my cum inside you, I need to feel you clench around me, milking every drop of my gift into your womb.”

Another flick of the crop this time on my left nipple, then my right and I’m already drenched between my legs.

“All of me. Every inch. Whatever you want Daddy.”

He grabs my jaw and squeezes my lips taut, pushing his cock just to my lips as I fight to kiss it then he pulls away, offering up his mouth instead. Pushing his warm tongue between my lips it tangles with mine and his free hand delves between my legs. I moan and lose my balance, falling back. He yanks me higher on my knees.

“Stay, baby girl.”

His fingers tighten around my throat and I gasp one last breath before he controls when I next get to breathe. Tighter.

Tighter as my face feels like it’s swelling and the pressure behind my eyes ignites in tiny sparks.

I'm wheezing and moaning as he releases me, and I gasp, my face falling onto the soft carpet under me.

Jack steps over me, one foot on either side, undoing the buckles that hold my wrists to my ankles, and hauls me up off the floor. I’m a dead weight but he lifts me as though I’m a feather.

“I love you.” I wrap myself around him. Our play lasted longer than usual and I’m craving what’s coming next.

He places me down on a high wooden bench that’s smooth underneath my back. My legs pulled apart and up, are forced onto stirrups. I throw my arms up and he cuffs them to the head of the table, then walks between my legs.

I love watching him especially naked.

“I love you to princess. Now, get ready. Take it for Daddy like my good girl.” He pulls my ass cheeks apart and plunges his cock into me. My back arches as my body still struggles to make room for his size and the sting is still there as he stretches my opening and so it begins.

The frenzy toward orgasm. The race toward satiation. And the journey is just as pleasurable as the impending destination. The hard pumps of his cock, the delicious fervor of his insane need that never falters.

“You’re home.” I puff out between thrusts.

He growls. “I’ll never get tired of this. One day I’ll drop dead while fucking you. Then they’ll report about how Jackson William Carter, died fucking his little girl. What a scandal it will be.”

I’m whimpering, exhaling in puffs as he drives in and out of me harder and harder until I’m wincing and clenching my fingers into fists.

“It hurts,” I gasp.

“It’s going to hurt sometimes baby. Be good and Daddy will be done soon. Close your eyes if you need to.” He slams harder, grinning, as he destroys my cervix and the blissful ache of having him so deep pulsates outward from my core.

His rock-hard hips begin to curl against me, flexing and circling. I'm gliding up higher on the bench from the force, and he yanks me back down hard. Onto his cock.

“You want to come? Be a good little girl and come for Daddy…” His deep voice races through me as I nod.

“Yes, please. God. It feels so good. The tickle is starting, I can’t stop it…”

I yelp and my ears are ringing. My toes tense. The room disappears around me as my orgasm takes over.

I feel his cock thicken then the sensation of his hot spurts of cum fill me. My cervix sucks up his seed, pulling it deep inside me. I’m half dazed and dizzy, when he unhooks me then slides both arms underneath my back, and cradles me up against his chest.

I curl into his hardness knowing what a big teddy bear he is inside. We breathe together for a long moment, my eyes closing breathing in his scent.

When I open my eyes, I'm in the soft new bed and he's spooning me from behind, holding my left hand up into the light. I smile, the massive perfect engagement ring glistening in the mellow light of the bedside lamp.

“What are you looking at?” I ask.

“I'm looking at your hand. We’ll be married in less than a month.”

“I can’t wait.”

“You were the one who wanted to wait. I was ready to do the deed driving you home from the hospital…”

I squeeze his arms tight to my chest, feeling the weight of the diamond on my finger.

I remember it all…

My misunderstanding. My pain.

“Has Bella RSVP’d to the wedding?”

“She's in Atlanta that weekend. But she won’t miss it - she knows I’ll never forgive her if she does.”

“Good. My father and stepmother will be there. He’s been really sweet ever since it happened. I hope we can get closer. All of us.”

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