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Fallen University: Year Two

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In my haste to get to the door, I hadn’t remembered to shift back. The beard I’d given myself hung down past my boobs, almost to my belly button, and several strands of it were still wound around my own hair.

The flush that warmed my cheeks was hidden by the white beard—at least, until I gathered my focus and shifted back to my normal appearance, banishing the facial hair.

“Wait, don’t—” Jayce held out a hand, then made a face as my shift completed. “Aw, too bad. I kinda liked it.”

I leveled a deadpan stare at him. “You did not.”

His grin was infectious. “Okay, maybe not. But lucky for you, I happen to think you look hot as fuck no matter what form you’re in. So live your life loud and proud, I say. I’ll be into you no matter what.”

“Thanks, but I think I’ll skip the beard.” I rolled my eyes, although my heart warmed at the sweet sentiment behind his words. “I only had that thing for a couple minutes, and I could already tell it would be damn itchy.”

“That’s why I never wear one.”

He scratched his jaw, where a light five o’clock shadow lay. I had a sudden vivid flash of what his stubble felt like against the softest parts of

my body, and my flush deepened for a whole new reason.

Then I frowned. “What are you doing here? It’s late, isn’t it?”

I hadn’t glanced at the clock recently, but I’d been awake for a good hour or two after Hannah had fallen asleep.

Jayce nodded. “Yeah, it is. But I couldn’t sleep. I’m too fucking amped up. I thought maybe you would be too. Were you?”

“God, yes.”

My voice was a plaintive whine, and the hellhound grinned, flashing his white teeth.

“Kinda figured that might be the case. Come with me.”

He jerked his chin down the hall, and I fell into step beside him without even questioning where we were going. I trusted him, and besides, anything was better than lying in bed burning holes into the ceiling with my stare.

He led me down several corridors, and after the third turn, I realized where he was taking me. When we reached the door to his dorm room, I whispered, “What about Giorgio?”

Jayce’s roommate was a werewolf who looked like he’d been an Italian mobster before he’d been turned. He was literal and deliberate, a hilarious contrast to Jayce’s off-the-cuff, exuberant personality. And I assumed that, like Hannah, he was fast asleep.

“Umm…” Jayce grinned as he pushed open the door, ushering me inside. The room was empty. “I may have convinced him to do a little late-night studying in the library.”

He shut the door behind us, and I arched a brow, leaning against the heavy wood. “Convinced? Or bribed?”

The gorgeous grin on his face widened. “Well, let’s just say I can be pretty damn convincing when I want to be.”

“Don’t I know it.”

My voice dropped a little, and I grabbed a fistful of Jayce’s shirt, tugging him toward me until his lips settled on mine. Twin feelings of comfort and arousal flooded me, and I kept my tight grip on his shirt as I kissed him hungrily. Whatever he had offered Giorgio to clear out of their room for a while, it was well worth it.

Jayce responded to my kiss eagerly, slipping his leg between mine as he pinned me against the door with his larger frame. My hand was trapped between us, but I ran the other one up and down his back, sliding over the firm curve of his ass as our kiss deepened.

“I thought… if we’re both not sleeping… there are better ways to pass the time,” he explained breathlessly in the moments when our lips broke apart.

“I like the way you think.”

Finally wrenching my hand free, I wrapped my arms around his neck, rising up on my tiptoes and pressing away from the door to get as close to him as possible. He gave a satisfied hum, meeting every stroke of my tongue with one of his own. Our hands moved quickly, shedding clothes even as our lips stayed locked in a fierce kiss, and when we were finally naked, Jayce kicked aside the pile of our clothes. Then he gripped my hips and spun me around so fast I gave a little yelp of surprise.

The cool wood of the door was a shock after the hot skin of Jayce’s chest, and my nipples hardened against the smooth surface as I drew in a gasping breath. Jayce pinned me with his larger body again, wedging his cock between my ass cheeks as his chest pressed against my back. His lips trailed a line of fire over my shoulder, making my whole body undulate against the door, so desperate for relief that I was about to start humping the wrong kind of wood.

“You like that?” he murmured.


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