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Falling into Temptation (Falling 1)

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A slow smile of satisfaction creeps across his face. “Please, what?”

“Please fuck me!” I groan. “I want you inside of me, please, Gabriel.”

His lips crash into mine… hard. He sucks and kisses me violently as his passion overtakes him. When he pulls away, my lips are swollen and bruised, but content.

“Now was that so hard?” he smirks. “Two minutes of me touching you and I had you yielding already. You submitted to me then, did exactly as I requested. Do you think it would really be so difficult to see yourself doing the same thing over and over again?”

My body goes limp in his arms. He’s right. But I don’t care. All I care about right now is that he isn’t touching me. His skilled fingers doing things to me I’ve only ever dreamed about. His engorged cock filling me, stretching me, owning me.

“I thought we were going to…” I whisper.

His thumb reaches down to caress my cheek.

“Does that mean you’re willing to try this?” he coaxes.

“Yes.” My shoulders sag. “For now.”

I can’t believe this. He’s right. I’m eating out of the palm of his hand already.

He flashes me a victorious smile, and I roll my eyes. He grabs my hand and leads me through the living area and down the hall, stopping in front of one of the doors.

“Just so you know,” he says. “You don’t have to stay if you don’t like any of this. If you tell me to stop, I will stop.”

I glance over at the door, thinking about what he isn’t saying. That if I stop him, we are done.

He takes my hand and leads me through the door in silence. I try hard to steel my nerves. Do I really want this? He looks back at me with those beautiful blue eyes as though he wants to make sure I’m still here. Yes, I want this. I can just try it once. If I don’t like it, I can go. Then at least my curiosity will have been satisfied and this ridiculous thing between us will be over. But then again, what if I do actually like it?

Some feral part deep inside of me has always liked rough sex. Rough men. Men that treated me like crap. How is this going to be any different?

I glance around the room. It’s a bedroom, but I get the feeling it definitely isn’t his. It has a large bed, a couple odd sized chairs and tables, and one apothecary style cabinet in the corner. No clothing, no personal items. Everything is black. There are no blankets on the bed, only a set of crisp black sheets. If I thought the apartment was cold, I was sorely mistaken. This room is colder than any I’ve ever been in. Completely devoid of any emotion or comfort.

“Take off your clothes.”

Gabriel’s tone is commanding, startling me out of my line of thought. I move on autopilot, watching him nervously as I start to undress. My hands are shaking as I drop my skirt and tank top on the floor, leaving me in nothing but the bra and thong. I can’t make eye contact as I shimmy out of the rest, feeling overly exposed here in this stark room. I know I’m slim, but I’m also short and curvy, something he’s not used to.

Before I even get a chance to see his expression he pulls me into a chaste kiss. His lips suck on mine, reigniting my desire with gusto. His expert hands fondle my breast, and I can’t help the noises that escape me.

When he pulls away, his expression is hard.

“Now kneel on the floor and spread your legs. I want to see that beautiful pussy.”

Holy shit. Is he fucking serious? He just wants me to lay down and spread it all out for him?

I shake my head before I can even think about what I’m doing, my arms instinctively wrapping around my body.

“I don’t believe that was a request,” he barks. “Now one more time, Victoria. Do as I say, or I will spank you. Do you understand?”

Oh my God. He looks absolutely primal as he gazes down at me, fire blazing behind those blue eyes. And what he just said ignited something else deeper inside of me. Why does him threatening to spank me make me feel so savage? I like it, and even worse, I think I actually want it.

“So, then spank me,” I challenge him.

For the briefest of moments, I think he looks surprised by my candor. But before I can get a good read on him, he flings me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, carrying me across the room. He splays me out across a small bench, lying me face down on top of it. I can hear him undoing his belt buckle, and I’m momentarily confused. Then he climbs on top of me, straddling my back as he strokes my ass. Ok, so now he’s got me trapped. This is a little different to last time.

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