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Falling into Temptation (Falling 1)

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“This will teach you not to look at me for now,” he says. “Now lean forward so that your face is against the floor, but keep your ass in the air and spread your legs.”

Oh my God, he has got to be joking. I don’t want to be in such a vulnerable position in front of him, so exposed. He can see everything if I do that. I hesitate for a few moments, and then feel his hand tugging my hair, easing my head to the floor.

“Don’t make me wait,” he growls.

I reluctantly push my ass into the air and spread my legs. Thank God I waxed everything. The air is cool against my sensitive flesh as I lay there, waiting.

“Good, Victoria. You look lovely like that.” He dips one of his fingers inside me. “You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

I clench my eyes shut even though I’m blindfolded. This is embarrassing. I’m not used to this kind of intimacy, and I have no idea why I’m giving it to him.

And then I feel it. His palm, tapping me down there. It isn’t inside me, but rather right above my entrance. Right over my swollen, sensitive flesh. It’s soft at first, a light teasing tap, and then he increases the pressure gradually. It feels strange, like a slight bite of pain mixed with pleasure, and the feelings it evokes are intense. I moan as he increases again, harder and faster. I can’t move my hands, and my hips seem to be rocking of their own accord.

“Don’t move,” he says firmly. “I want you still. I’m going to make you come, and I want you to feel all of it.”

Oh, sweet mother of all. He sounds so sure of himself. But I’m not. I can’t tell if I’m going to explode or cry from the intensity. I try to remain still as the taps turn into slaps. Hard, fast slaps that send pulsing sensations throughout my entire body. My stomach is beginning to ache, everything in my body tense as the feelings take over me. And then, all at once, a scream tears from deep inside of me as he releases waves of pleasure throughout my body.

I collapse onto the ground, breathless and unable to hold myself up a second longer. There’s moisture running down my legs, but I don’t care. I’m too shocked by what just happened to be uncomfortable. I’m flying high on Gabriel, and the things this man can do to me. He’s brought pleasure to a place that had once only known pain. He made me feel unashamed for something which I had only ever felt embarrassed about.

I lay there for several moments in complete silence, trying to catch my breath. The next thing I feel is Gabriel scooping me up into his arms and carrying me across the room. He stops at the foot of the bed, laying the top half of my body across it, leaving my legs dangling over the end. His hand caresses the tender flesh between my legs again, and I jerk at the contact.

“God, Victoria, you are so fucking wet.” His voice is husky and feral, ripe with need.

“Mmmm…” is all I can manage. I’m still dizzy and seeing stars from the intense orgasm.

I hear the sound of foil right before his erection presses against me. He nudges inside of me slowly, pressing his hand into my lower back as he fills me. Every inch that he pushes deeper sends my nerves into overdrive, my body begging for more.

He moves in and out in soft teasing strokes at first, savoring the feel of me around him. But then his instincts take over, and he loses himself in the need for his pleasure. He starts pumping hard and fast, keeping his hand on my back to hold me in place. He’s taking no prisoners, and as he promised he’s fucking me roughly.

His pace quickens again and I can feel his balls slapping against me as he thrusts, the tightness building inside me. I’m exhausted and sore, but my body craves this. My stomach is clenching, tightening, aching in anticipation. He slides one of his hands up into my hair, grabbing a handful as he pumps into me furiously. The pleasure mingled with the slight pain is enough to send me over the edge, and I come violently around his hard cock.

Before the tremors inside of me have even subsided, Gabriel grunts loudly behind me, both his hands digging into my hips. His cock pulses inside of me as he releases, an animalistic sound wrenching from his chest. And then he collapses on top of me.

I can hardly breathe, but I don’t care. I love the feeling of his warm, naked body on top of mine. After a few more blissful moments, Gabriel pulls out of me and drags me up onto the bed completely. I lay there panting and dazed as he undoes the belt and the blindfold. I can’t speak or move, and I’m glad when he lays down next to me in silence.

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