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Keeping Gemma (Holiday Cove 2)

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“That’s a good idea.”

“What about you?”

She groaned and dropped her head back. “I probably should unpack. If I don’t get things organized soon I think I’m going to go crazy.”

I laughed at her theatrics. “Well let’s get you back to your car. Maybe we can continue our…tour…later tonight when we’ve both got our shit handled.”

She licked her lips, sending me back into overdrive. “Sounds like a plan.”

After dropping Gemma back at Harvey’s, I went back to the house, bypassing the museum and the circus spilling out over the parking lot, to study the contract O’Keefe had given me before calling a lawyer to get advice. I had one more full day to figure out what to do but the more I read, the more my wheels were spinning and sputtering.

I didn’t want to give up the museum. The idea of moving, and getting him to leave the planes alone, was worthy of attention, but the thought of finding a new piece of property—not to mention a new place to live—and moving everything over was not only exhausting, but I knew it would have a steep price tag attached to it as well.

A move like that could easily sink what profits I’d made in the past year and a half.

Then there was the idea of calling O’Keefe’s bluff and seeing what would happen if he took the recording to the police and started an investigation into Rick. Even if that turned out well, I knew it wasn’t likely to be O’Keefe’s last trick. He had his sights locked on the museum, and as Talia had warned me, he wasn’t going to give up until he had what he wanted.

I was at the dining room table, staring at the contracts when there was a knock at the front door.

“Just couldn’t get enough…” I said, grinning at the thought of Gemma standing on the other side.

I could use a distraction. Still smiling, I got up and went to the door. When I pulled it open, there was a woman standing there, but it wasn’t Gemma. It was Frankie, the FAA agent, and two seconds later, her partner, Gary, sauntered up the walk.

“Afternoon, Rosen, we need to talk to you,” Gary said, joining Frankie on the porch.

“I thought I told you two any further inquiries needed to go to my lawyer.”

Gary gave a curt smile. “First of all, you never sent over that information to our office. Second, this isn’t a question. This is something you need to see. Third, we’ve gotten to the bottom of what happened. We know why the plane crashed that night.”

My heart screeched to a halt, slamming into my ribs. “You what?”

This was it, the moment I’d have to face the truth.

“Can we come in?” Frankie asked.

After another hesitation, I pulled the door open and gestured for them to come in. I led them through the house and into the dining room, just like on their last visit.

Once we were all seated around the table, Gary held up a manila envelope. He dug inside and pulled out two 8 x 10 glossy photographs. He set them side by side on the table in front of me.

I studied the photos of the wreckage and it took me a moment to zero in on what Gary was referring to. When it hit me, I jerked up, my eyes big, as they locked with his.

He nodded. “That’s right, Mr. Rosen. Your fuel line was tampered with. This wasn’t an accident, Mr. Rosen. This was murder, ”


I’d always been one to admire a nice view. As a pilot, I’d seen some fantastic landscapes, sunrises, and sunsets. Yet, there was something about waking up beside Gemma’s naked body that blew all of those images out of the water.

The early morning sun streamed in through the living room blinds where my bed was still set up, and fell over her body, highlighting every delicious curve. Her hair fell over the pillow and only in the rays of light did I see the tawny streaks running through her shoulder length waves, probably natural highlights from the sun.

I fingered a strand, remembering my hands woven through her hair the night before, as she’d kneeled before me, naked. The way her eyes had sparkled as she’d looked up at me, flicking me a mischievous smile, before taking my cock into her mouth without a beat of hesitation.

I’d fisted my hands into her hair and held on for dear life as she’d worked me over, giving me the most intense blowjob I’d ever had—as it would have been damn near impossible to forget something that rivaled her wicked lips.

A moan escaped my lips as my cock twitched and ached at the memory. I didn’t want to wake Gemma, we’d had a very late night, and I knew she needed her rest, but it was hard not to touch her and hope that she might stir awake on her own. My body was craving hers. She had the sheet pushed down around her waist and seeing her soft curves and half of her perfect ass exposed to me, was torture.

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