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Just One Chance (The Kingston Family 3)

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He turned, eyebrows raised.

“I just wanted to say thank you for taking care of me. Given our past, you helping me means a lot.”

He treated her to a nod and walked out, leaving her to unpack and get comfortable in his house, across from his bedroom.

Chapter Five

Xander slept well knowing Sasha was safe and across the hall, but he woke up with morning wood. He pressed his hand against the sheet, groaning at how fucking hard he was. Closing his eyes, he slipped his hand beneath and gave a few healthy tugs of his dick before kicking off the comforter and rising to a sitting position. He wasn’t going to make himself come with Sasha’s name on his lips when the real woman was a few steps away.

His time would be better spent getting his head on straight and deciding what he wanted from her while they were under the same roof. A good, long run would help him decide. Many of his life choices were made while pounding the pavement.

He walked out of his room, Bella trotting beside him. The door across from his was still closed. He let the dog out back and returned to the bedroom to get ready. He had his family coming later this afternoon, which meant he needed to check in with the store owner who would be delivering everything he’d ordered during the week. Something he could do while he was in town.

After he dressed, he turned on his phone and chose the playlist he wanted for today. He walked outside and nodded at Jared, who was still on duty. If Sasha hadn’t had someone watching over her, Xander would never have left her alone.

He took off at a jog, Bella by his side. His playlist had an eclectic list of songs from Bruce Springsteen and Eminem to Tom Petty, Kanye West, and the Rolling Stones. For a while, he got lost in the rhythm and the sound and feel of his feet smacking the street.

As he and Bella neared town, Xander slowed his pace, wiping his forehead with the bottom of his shirt. He stopped at a store that kept a water bowl outside for pets and let Bella take a drink.

“Good girl,” he said, giving her fur a rub.

Taking Bella with him because stores in town were dog friendly, he walked inside and confirmed an afternoon delivery of grilling burgers, hotdogs, buns, and other things for his family to enjoy. He bought himself water with the money tucked into his pocket and took a long drink before tossing the bottle into a recycling basket and heading home at a slower jog.

The minute his feet found their rhythm again, he let himself think about Sasha and what he wanted from her. That answer was easy. He wanted her in his bed, his hands on her soft body, his cock buried deep inside her. Admitting that, he nearly tripped, caught himself, and accepted what he already knew. He wouldn’t be satisfied unless he had Sasha again. Deep down, he’d known the truth since her return, more so since realizing she’d been threatened and his protective feelings had shown up.

He didn’t think they had another chance at a future. He already knew that was impossible. He’d had firsthand proof that her life was everything he didn’t want. But he definitely needed to bury himself inside her once more.

He glanced at Bella, who kept pace beside him as they ran, passing other houses set back from the beach and admiring the sun as it shone brightly above him. Though he appreciated the scenery, his thoughts were on the woman staying with him for the next few weeks.

He couldn’t keep treating her like she was the enemy or continue to hold her at arm’s length. He already knew, when she was finished filming, she’d return to Los Angeles and her busy life, and he’d go back to writing and being at peace here at home. But before either of those things happened, they could enjoy each other while she was in town. And he’d just have to let her go when her time here was over.

* * *

Sasha woke up in a strange bed. Nothing new to her. She was used to hotels and travel, but as soon as her mind started to function, she remembered she was in Xander’s house because she needed protection from a stalker. No wonder she’d crashed hard last night. She’d been exhausted from a long day.

Yesterday had been tough and she needed to remain calm. She had a bodyguard now and was staying somewhere safe where she could unwind and work on the part she’d be playing in the movie. And try not to think about the danger while letting the professionals do their job.

The first thing she did was call Cassidy and check in.

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