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Just One Chance (The Kingston Family 3)

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Her mom stepped off the elevator, looking elegant in a designer dress and heels, as stunning as ever. She saw Sasha and walked toward her, her gaze settling on Jared.

“Who is this lovely man?” she asked, her gaze running over him.

Sasha felt a flush rise to her cheeks. Her mother had no shame. Young men, older men, all were fair game.

“Annika Keaton, this is my security, Jared Wilson. Jared, my mother.”

“Ma’am.” Jared extended a hand, which her mother eagerly shook.

“Come inside.” She gestured for her mother to follow her into the apartment.

Once the door shut and they were alone, her mother pulled her into a hug, and Sasha inhaled her familiar perfumed scent.

“So? Why aren’t you at the hotel?” her mother immediately asked, pulling back and looking around.

Bracing herself for an argument, Sasha replied. “This is Xander’s apartment, and before you say a word about him, I have a serious stalker situation, and we decided this would be the safest place for me.”

Annika stiffened at that, but Bella trotted over to greet her mother, breaking the tension. And Annika, a dog lover, gave the golden lots of love before she rose and said, “Now, tell me everything that’s going on.”

“Come into the kitchen and let’s eat.” Sasha had ordered breakfast, to avoid both going out in public and dealing with fans and her stalker. She didn’t want to make herself a target and the same went for her mom. If she kept out of sight, Sasha felt safer about the entire situation.

She had everything set up on the counters and took her mother to the large space that even had room for a table and chairs. The apartment was beautiful, and Sasha loved the kitchen with its black cabinets and white quartz countertops.

As if by silent agreement, they made small talk while they ate, her mother telling her stories about friends at home and mentioning a man she’d been seeing. Sasha was grateful he wasn’t in his twenties and changed the subject. As far as she was concerned, information about her mother’s love life was TMI.

“So tell me more about this stalker,” her mother said, finally bringing up the subject.

Knowing she had to fill her mom in, Sasha relayed everything she knew so far. Which amounted to not much.

Annika tapped her long nails against the white quartz table that matched the countertops. “So you’re having a problem with a crazed fan and your solution is to stay here? With your ex?” Her mother lifted her coffee cup and took a sip. “I’m not sure I see the wisdom in that choice.”

Sasha stiffened. “There’s a doorman downstairs and much fewer people coming and going. It’s a lot easier to track people entering the building than a hotel. Not to mention, Jared also can focus on his job here.”

Her mother sniffed. “I don’t suppose you’re sleeping in the guest room.”

“That is none of your business! Mom, I know you never liked Xander because you see him as a threat to my career, but you were wrong then and you’re wrong now.” Sasha pushed her plate of eggs aside. She was no longer hungry.

Her mother’s expression softened. “You know I’m just looking out for you. You’re at the wrong time of life to give away your heart. Not when your career has taken off and everything we worked so hard for is finally coming to fruition. Think back to when you were a little girl. All the commercial tryouts, the rejections … and now look at you!” Pride shone in her mother’s face.

Sasha sighed. “I’m grateful for all you did to help get me here. It’s just…” She trailed off and stared at her mother.

Annika was beautiful. Sasha had inherited her blond hair and blue eyes and, at one time, she’d thought her determination to be a star. But even before coming to New York, she’d been tired of the life of an actress, and after being with Xander again, she also questioned the sacrifices she’d already made and the time lost because of them. Still, she enjoyed acting, and this film experience was reminding her that her life wasn’t all bad. Talk about conflicted.

She blew out a breath and rubbed her hands together in her lap, deciding to focus on her mother’s life and not her own. “Maybe you were at the wrong time in your career when you met Dad and had me.”

Annika’s blue eyes opened wide, and Sasha swallowed over the lump in her throat. The idea that she’d kept her mother from pursuing her dreams hurt, but she’d lived with the knowledge her whole life. She’d just never expressed the truth out loud.

“I’m not you, Mom, and I’m not sure what I want for my future. What I do know is that, whatever I decide, it’s my choice.”

Her mother placed her cup on the table and frowned. “This is Xander’s fault. I knew that man would put ideas in your head and try to talk you into staying.” She rose from her chair and began to pace the length of the kitchen, her frustration palpable.

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