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Wonderfully Wrecked (Reckless Bastards MC 4)

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“I listen just fine Genesis, I just don’t always want to do what you want me to.”

He laughed that sickeningly soft chuckle he used when he wasn’t really amused. “Because you always think you know best. Now look at where we are.” Genesis shook his head as he stuck his hand inside the car and turned off the high beams. He hadn’t changed. Same shaggy copper hair brushing his shoulders, same pouty mouth more suitable to a male model than a gangster. I couldn’t see his smoky gray eyes, but I’d bet they were bloodshot with a combination of pills and coke.

“Where exactly are we?” I crossed my arms and looked off to his side because I knew it would rile him. I needed him wild and reckless and I could push until he flashed a handgun.

“Goddammit, Rochelle stop playing these fucking mind games!” His arms jerked forward, and he kicked a leg out sideways in a show of temper, but a quick pinch to the bridge of his nose and Genesis was calm again. Sort of. “Look, just come with me now and work with me until I’m satisfied I’ve been paid back for all the pain and suffering you’ve caused me, then you can come back here and play house with that fucking cowboy.”

I smiled at his disdain for Lasso. He never did like men who were too good looking, said he couldn’t trust them but the truth was he couldn’t stand the jealousy. “I’m not going anywhere with you Genesis.”

“Come on,” he cajoled softly, grinning with that little head tilt he thought made him look hot but really he looked like Justin Bieber. “It’s just a couple jobs. It could be like old times. I’ll even think about keeping the brat around.”

“Like I would ever want my kid around a headcase like you.”

I shook my head, knowing I was poking the bear but unable to stop myself. He drew closer and I slowly drew back, reaching around my waist for the gun. “How about this Genesis? You go home and you might make it back in time to save another stash house or two.”

He took two steps forward and then lunged, pulling back his hand and punching me in the nose before I could move. “You still got a smart fuckin’ mouth. I always hated that about you.”

I fell to my knees; grateful he didn’t break my fucking nose. I looked up at him with a smile. “How many of your safe houses have been hit, Genesis? Two? Four? Seven?”

“Laugh it up, Rochelle. It’ll probably be the last time you laugh for a long time.” He smiled, pacing back and forth in front of me. “I have shit you know nothing about so don’t think you can ever hurt me.”

“You sure about that? Because I can remember at least a dozen, maybe more. In fact, a certain hazel-eyed gangster was very interested to learn about the house just off Pico.”

Anger flashed again, and his foot raised high in the air, telling me exactly what he had planned. I rolled away and slid back on my ass, trying to stand without turning my back to him. “You’re a dead bitch either way, Rochelle. The question is, do you want to live long enough for that bastard of yours to be born?”

I stood with a grunt. It wasn’t elegant or intimidating but I wasn’t foolish enough to believe I was either of those things. My heart raced. I could feel the baby projecting dissatisfaction with my mood but anything I did to draw attention would make my stomach a bigger target.

“I’m actually flattered, Genesis. To think that I mean more to you than all those stash houses. All that money. More than the new place in Santa Monica or that bungalow in West Hollywood right in the middle of all those families. Even more than that beauty salon with the hidden wall.”

Jag had come through big time and the wide hazel eyes snarling back at me said I’d hit a nerve.

“I could just kill you now.”

I nodded. “You could but after tonight you’ll need me more than ever. Oh, and there’s the fact that you’re not getting out of here alive.”

If Lasso didn’t show up, I was more than prepared to make the easy choice if it came down to me and my baby or Genesis.

He laughed. “Your boyfriend is too busy worrying about his whores.” He spat the word, waiting for my surprise or shock, maybe an emotional outburst.

“Oh, no!” I covered my head with one hand and my mouth with the other. “Was that what you were expecting? Sorry to steal your thunder but the women are fine. I’m not so sure your guys fared as well. And by the way, he’s not my boyfriend. He put a ring on it.” I flashed my ring finger, taunting him, digging my feet into the dirt to brace for the next blow.

Instead, he laughed. A quick glance at my wrist said I had two minutes before help arrived. With two large shapes behind Genesis’ car, I hoped I called for enough men. Shit, I hoped enough men were allowed to come.

“I hope you had a good time on this little fucking vacation of yours, Rochelle, because you’re mine. You. Are. Fucking. Mine. MINE!”

He reached for my arm and I jerked away from him, earning a backhand for my efforts.

“Yeah, you feel like a real big man now Genesis, smacking around a pregnant woman. I’m not yours, not ever.”

“We’ll see if you say that when I get rid of that fucking kid. I’ll be doing the dumb son of a bitch a favor. With a dumb cunt like you for a ma, death is the best possible outcome.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe you were fucking stupid enough to come alone.”

Now it was my turn to laugh and I gave it the full maniacal, wide-eyed cackle. “Did you really think my husband would let his pregnant wife come alone to meet her unstable ex? You can’t really be that stupid, can you?”

“I’ll kill you, bitch!”

He lunged again but I wasn’t quick enough to escape. His cool hand wrapped around my throat, leaving me to claw at his wrist and hand.

“It would be so easy to fucking end you right now you stupid fucking bitch. You’re lucky I still need you.”

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