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The Boss (Men of Hidden Justice 1)

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“Matteo,” I whispered. “How awful.”

He nodded, silent for a moment. “Aldo, Vince’s uncle, took me in and cared for me, made sure I was safe. I became part of their family. When I was eighteen, they offered me a place in their organization.”

“What about Geo?” I asked.

“He and my dad were estranged. As I got older, he reached out, and we became close. He knew of my decision and didn’t try to change my mind. He joined me. He is a valuable part of my team.”

“So, this organization offered you a place…?” I trailed off.

“Yes. It was what I wanted. It was a chance to help eliminate the world of people who prey on the weak and helpless. When Julian took over, he gave me my own team. We break up child pornography and slavery rings. We go after drug pushers, abusers, stalkers, kidnappers, and so many others.”

“You’re judge, jury, and executioner?”

“I’m part of the investigation team—and, yes, executioner. Once they’re dead, we liquidate their assets, and all the monies go into a fund that supports the victims. If possible, we try to reunite them with their families, make sure they get counseling, help them back on their feet.”

“Those people the other night…”

“They liked to get runaway kids hooked on drugs. Then they would sell them. And the man who was part of our team betrayed us. Betrayed me.” His expression was furious, once again the avenging angel of death. “There is no gray in this area, Evie. It’s black-and-white. He went against everything we stand for and chose money over innocent lives.” He sat back, crossing his legs. “And he threatened you.”

“Have you ever made a mistake?”

“No. Never. I have resources and people who make sure we target only the bad guys. The lowest of humanity. We rid the world of them.”

“And you do it all from here? Right in the open?”

“My cover is in money markets—a highly successful business I run from my home. I am actually very good at it, but it is only a cover. A legitimate business to hide the real one. You won’t find what I do listed anywhere or claimed by anyone, Evie. We are completely dark.” He smirked. “The government knows of our existence, supports it even, but never acknowledges it.”

I frowned in confusion.

“We save them a lot of time and expense. No wasting taxpayers’ money on trials or taking up space in jails. We extract justice—immediately.”

My head spun. Matteo stood, leaning against the desk. “That’s the man you have married, Evie. It’s not going to change. I’m not going to change. I know you’re still confused. Worried. Unsure of your future.” He paused, stroking his chin. “So, I’m giving you two choices. Consider them carefully because it will be the only time I make this offer.”

His gaze was dark and serious. His shoulders tense. He looked like the Matteo I first saw, except I was sure I heard a trace of anxiety in his voice.

“And they are?”

“You can’t leave. That isn’t an option. You can stay here—and live a safe life. Read, work in the garden, cook, whatever you want. I’ll set you up in an apartment on the grounds and ensure your complete safety.”

“And what do you get out of it?”

“I get the satisfaction of knowing I saved another innocent from something terrible happening to them.”

“What if you want to get married to someone else?”

“That isn’t an option.”

“What is my second choice?”

He kneeled in front of me. “You can join me in this fight—like Lila, Roza, and Gianna, helping the people we save. Making sure they’re looked after. Whatever you want to do.” He drew in a deep breath. “Get to know me, Evie. Be my wife in every meaning of the word—stand with me, support me. Maybe you can learn to love the man, not the job. We could have a family, if you want. I think if you gave yourself a chance, you could be happy with me.”

“Is this something you will do for the rest of your life?”

“No. Everyone has their limit. This is my for now. But I have no plans of leaving it any time soon.”

He took my hands. “Something happened the night I found you. I felt a protective instinct like nothing I had ever experienced. I couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to you.” He shut his eyes. “When you grabbed that gun to kill yourself, I found myself praying for a miracle.”

I shuddered, thinking of that night.

“The choice is yours. I won’t force you into anything. If you think you can live with this reality, I promise you I will be a good husband to you.” He leaned closer, pressing his warmth into me. “I felt something so strong when I kissed you, Evie. I want to kiss you every time I see you, if you’ll let me. I thought you felt it too.”

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