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The Boss (Men of Hidden Justice 1)

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“I–I’m not very comfortable with new people.”

“I know, and if you prefer that I go, I will. But you’re my sister-in-law now, so I’d like to get to know you.”

She studied me for a moment, then offered me a tremulous smile. “I can’t believe Matteo got married.”

I smiled in return. “I wasn’t exactly on his radar, and he certainly wasn’t on mine.” I leaned forward, earnest. “I love him, Gianna. Somehow, it was meant to be. I thought my life was going to end that night, but he saved me. And I fell in love with him.”

“And he with you. He talks about you all the time when he comes to see me.”

“He does?”

“Yes.” She sighed. “I know you know my story. I appreciate how patient you have been with me, but I would like to get to know you.”

I couldn’t hide my delight. “Really?”

“Yes.” She bit her lip, then spoke again. “I know Matteo isn’t an easy man to love. He became what he did because of me. I owe him everything.”

“He doesn’t regret his choices. He loves you very much.”

“I know. He and Vince watch over me so well. I know I’m not in any danger. I have an extremely sheltered life, but that is my choice. I’m happy and content. Matteo has denied himself all these years. He’s been missing something, and I think he finally discovered it when he found you. However you met, whatever the circumstances, you make my brother very happy, so I would like to try to get to know you.” She smiled, looking shy. “You must be very special for Matteo to love you as he does.”

She reached out and covered my hand. I noticed she shook slightly, but I patted her hand with mine. “Thank you, Gianna. It means a great deal to me, and I know it will to Matteo as well.”

“Are you going to join us here?”

“I would like to—at least some of the time. I like looking after the house and Matteo.”

“I’m glad. He needs that. I’ll look forward to you being here more.”

Lila and Roza walked in, shocked to see me.


“Hi, Lila. Good morning, Roza. Gianna and I were having coffee. Would you like some?”




Gianna lifted the basket. “She made muffins too. I was just going to tell her more about what it is we do here.”

Lila met my eyes with a small smile. She accepted a muffin and sat next to me.

“Go ahead, Gianna. Tell Evie about our work. I think she’ll fit in just fine.”

Gianna hesitated, then nodded. “I think so too.”

Chapter Thirteen


Life took on a different rhythm. I filled my days cooking, swimming, exploring my new home, and working on the little herb garden I had created. Two days a week, I spent with the other women, slowly learning what they did. The complex web of monies they handled. It was astronomical.

Evenings were always with Matteo when he was home. His time away increased, and I hated it every time he left—especially when one night stretched into two or more. I passed a lot of time in the library reading, as well as in the kitchen. It was a comfortable, homey room. Well laid out, the kitchen had another spot with an enormous wingback chair by the fireplace where I could read and a built-in desk I liked to sit at to write lists or use the tablet to look up recipes. For the first time in my life, I didn’t have to work, and I enjoyed playing housewife. When he was home, Matteo came in for lunch. Often, he would hurry in a few times a day for coffee, to grab some cookies, and he never left without kissing me long and hard. A couple of times, he lifted me to the counter and took me. No one ever came into the kitchen while he was there, and I knew they never would. Matteo would never allow that to happen, so I was safe to enjoy his spontaneous amorous side. In the evening, he appeared by eight, and we ate dinner at the table. He opened a bottle of wine, loosened his collar, and became my Matteo. Warm, loving, and affectionate. Then we would retire to our room and spend the rest of the night exploring each other.

And then things changed.

After one lengthier time away, lunches ceased, and more times than not, the sandwiches I had Marcus take him came back uneaten. Matteo started coming to dinner later, some nights never showing up. At first, I went in search of him, but I encountered Vince outside the office every time, and he just shook his head.

“Not now, Evie.”

Matteo came upstairs later and later, and often, I was asleep by the time he came to bed. He was usually gone when I woke up. The rare times he appeared before I fell asleep, he would shower, slide into bed, and without a word, take me, his touch needy and desperate. The only words he spoke were in passion, as he groaned and shook above me.

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