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Back to You (Forever Yours 1)

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“Oh God, so this isn’t even a drunken hook up?” Sadie’s rage filled eyes flicker between the two of us. If looks could kill or even burn we would be dead and up in flames by now. “So this has been going on for a long time? Do you realize how much worse that is? You two, the two closest people in my life have been lying to me for … how long? I don’t… I don’t even know what to do right now, what to think. I can’t believe you!. I can’t believe you let this happen.”

“Sadie, please, calm down…” I try to intervene, but that only makes her fly off the handle even more.

“Do NOT tell me to calm down, you prick. Do you even realize what you’ve done? Jill is my best friend, we are supposed to experience college together, go through all of these life changes… and I’m not an idiot. I know that me and Warren won’t be able to handle the long distance so I was actually excited for us to be single together and now… now I learn that the two of you are together and everything is fucked …”

Oh God, now both the girls are crying. This is a mess. I’m have to find the right words to make Sadie understand me… and Jill. We weren’t planning on telling her any time soon, but that choice is out of our hands now. All that I can do is try to make this a little less painful. Right now, I’m pretty sure this is what hell feels like.

Tonight will be a mess, but by tomorrow morning, we will have all calmed down and things will be okay again. This could actually turn out to be a good thing because at least after tonight it will be out in the open. Finally.

“Sadie, please just hear me out,” I beg through the loud crying coming from both of them. “Just, let me explain. Let me talk to you and all of this will make sense. If you could just understand. Just listen…”

“Garrett, you said you were only coming here to give me a safe ride. You are supposed to be my big brother. How could you?” Sadie is drunk, it doesn’t help things, but I can see the genuine hurt behind her gaze. “How could you do this?”

“I love her,” I tell my sister honestly. “I love Jill. I know that isn’t what you want to hear, because she’s your best friend, but I do. I can’t help that I fell for her, Jill… she’s the one for me. We love each other.”

“And that is supposed to make it better?” She screams.

Oh… I guess not. I thought it would, but judging by Sadie’s expression, I am very wrong. But how can the fact that we are in love not make it better? I don’t understand. “How long has this been going on, huh? How long have the two of you been betraying me? How long has my whole fucking life been a lie?” She’s blazing, she might as well be on fire. “And now what do you think is going to happen? That I will be happy for you? That I’ll go back to being your sister, Garrett, and your best friend, Jill, and that I’ll be okay with the two of you? This fucks up everything. Now, I don’t know what the hell I am going to do. You guys ruined everything!”

“Sadie, I’m sorry,” Jill pleads. “Let’s just talk about this. I don’t want to fight.”

“Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you lied to me for so long.” Sadie shakes her head and blows out a hot irritated breath. “I should just go to the same college as Warren. I can still apply and get in through the late entries. I’m sure that he would love to have me there with him and at least I know that I can trust him. He hasn’t ever stabbed me in the back. Not like you two. You’re just… the worst people I have ever met.”

“You are just angry, Sadie.” I try to reach out and touch her arm, to bring her back to earth but she shakes me off and hisses at me. “Sadie, don’t be irrational. I know that you are hurt right now, but you don’t want to make any rash decisions that are going to change the course of everything. Just give it the night at least…we can talk and fix this in the morning.”

“Fuck you.”

Okay, so my words aren’t getting through at all. “You are a shit brother and an even worse friend. I honestly don’t want to talk either of you ever again. Thank fuck I’m moving out so I don’t even need to be near you…” The hurt is worse when she looks at her best friend, I can see it. “I guess we made it being best friends through all the problems of high school but beyond that is never going to happen. And that’s all on you Jill.”

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