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Mr. Sinister

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I notice Krista's jaw drop open as Raaf straightens and hands her back the documents, and when I follow her gaze, my own jaw drops open as well.

Oh. My. GOD!

No wonder Krista looks so freaked out!

I've just caught sight of the side of Raaf's neck, and it looks like he's been bitten by an honest-to-goodness vampire.

Or a zombie.

It's just really bad either way, and we need to cover it, a.s.a.p.

I tug at Raaf's shirt to get his attention. "Do you have a First Aid kit—-"

"Are you ill?" he demands. "Do you—-"

"It's for you," I cut in right away before he ends up riling himself up for no reason. "Your neck is, um..."

"What about it?"


He reaches up to touch the part I've bitten, and I can feel my face start to heat up again when his eyes gleam knowingly.

"I got carried away," I say awkwardly. "I'm so sorry—-"

"I'm not."

He isn't?

"I like it."

Of course he does.

"And unlike other men," Raaf tells me as we start walking down the aisle, "marks such as these please me greatly. I shall wear it proudly—-"

"How about discreetly?" I suggest hopefully. "Doesn't that sound better?"

"It doesn't."


"You have worked so hard to make this mark, my Sara. How can I feel anything but pride when I think about how long and hard you must have sucked my neck?"

And of course Raaf just has to say that within earshot of the entire flight crew, our distinguished-looking pilot included, who has stepped out of the cockpit to see us off.

I'm still cringing at the memory even though we're already within the private confines of a heavily tinted limousine, and it's only when I see us slow down in front of a posh-looking establishment that I'm properly distracted.

The place is all black stone and steel, more tinted windows, and a long, long line that stretches around the block. "What is this place?" I ask nervously as Raaf helps me out of the backseat.

"You'll see."

My heart bangs against my chest at the words, and I'm so flustered that I barely notice the dirty looks that go our way when security immediately lets us in. There's only one reason I can think of that would explain why we're flying to Vegas, and since I'm pretty sure this place isn't a casino, what else can it be but—-

"Welcome to Bacchanalia."

—-a sex club.

The girl in front of us is dressed in a lace gown that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination, and I do mean nothing, since I now know that her hair color does not match the other part of her that has, um, hair.

"Would you like me to lead you to your room, Mr. Karvelas?"

Room? What room? Why do we have a room?

But at Raaf's nod, the girl is already leading the way, and it's all I can do not to gape and gawk as we walk past what seems like countless naked couples having sex.

By the time the girl pauses before Room G to unlock its door, I find myself almost wishing we're getting married by Elvis instead. Even though a quickie wedding doesn't appeal to me at all, I'd at least know what to expect from it.

But this?

Goosebumps start popping all over my body as Raaf takes my hand into his and leads me inside the room. The door falls shut behind us completely, and we are plunged in darkness. But a moment later, Raaf apparently knows his way well enough around this place to find the light switch—-

Oh. My. God.

My gaze snaps up, and I regret it right away as the spotlight nearly blinds me. "Is this where Gerard filmed his..."

"He often plays here, yes."

"Oh. Right. Play."

Raaf's blue eyes gleam at me, and I start to panic even when I don't actually know yet what's there to feel panicky about.

"Are you worried we're going to play tonight?"

"Just a bit?"

"Then you shall be relieved to know we're not here to play."

My eyes widen. "Seriously?"

"You have my word, my dove."

"Oh thank God—-"

"Because tonight is all about punishment."

I should have known that was a trap!

"Can we talk about this?" I stammer. "Can we—-"

But Raaf has already pressed another button, and I squeak in surprise when a small panel slides open to reveal a hole in the wall that's directly under the spotlight.

Wait a minute.

Doesn't a hole in the wall mean—-

Oh God, it really is a glory hole!

Another man has thrust his fully erect member into the hole, and I feel my mind start to spiral as I watch it twitch impatiently in just about every direction.

I slowly back away. One step after another. And really carefully...until I bump into Raaf, and I stiffen when I feel his fingers clasp my arms.


But it's too late.

He's already forcing me forward, and then I'm down on the floor on all fours, and right in front of my face is the other man's still-twitching member.

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