Reservations - Page 96

On top of all that news, Levi had even managed to get a Friday night shift. The club was having a show tonight, one of the first ever of its kind, and it turned out that all hands were needed. Even the drive to the club hadn’t seemed as hurried. He made it in record time, and by being scheduled to open, he got a primo parking spot right up front. Levi grabbed his bag and walked across the lot, waving at one of the valets as he used the side door entrance to the club.

The sound check going on in the main club could be heard from out in the hall. This was the first of a two-night traveling drag show, which technically made today even better. He didn’t have to work at being personable on show nights. He only had to keep the drinks filled and do everything in his power to stay out of the way. Both were very easy tasks for someone who preferred to fade into the background.

“Hey,” Levi said as he met Chase pushing through the locker room door.

“Hey. They need us out on the floor. The show’s behind in getting set up. They’re sectioning off a lot of the back wall with curtains, and they didn’t make that clear in the contracts. Jules is fit to be tied. We gotta move the tables out of the way,” Chase explained, never breaking stride as he walked backward toward the main room.

“Let me put my bag up.” Levi hooked a thumb over his shoulder toward the locker room. “I’ll meet you out front.”


Pointing a finger for the driver, Thane instructed the taxi to pull to the side entrance of the restaurant, hoping to go unrecognized. He tossed a tip to the driver before pushing open his door. He slid out, quietly sneaking into the building through the club’s employee entrance. The flight had made good time, and with the time difference, he’d managed to fly across country and still make it to the club before opening. Once inside, he heard what sounded like a construction zone in progress.

Lights flickered off, plunging the area into total darkness seconds before bright flashes of light in different colors came from every direction and lit his way. A deep voice came from the overhead speaker, testing the microphone for a sound check.

Thane smiled. They were having a special performance tonight, which meant there would be lots of darkened corners available. The perfect setting to make up with Levi.

Right before Thane turned the corner leading into the main room of the club, he forced a finger into the knot of his tie, loosening its tight grip, then flipped open the top button on his shirt. He was nervous. Everything had him claustrophobic. Damn, the anxiety increased, trying to get the best of him.

The desperations of his actions finally sank in. He’d dropped everything to fly across country based on an emailed conversation. His confidence waned; he wasn’t at all certain how the evening would go. He hoped Levi would give him a chance to make everything right.

Thane stepped into the club’s main room and instantly homed in on Levi who had just placed a table in a new location. As if he and Levi had some cosmic connection, Levi’s head swept around and his curious gaze landed right on Thane. The air around them electrified and thickened. Levi didn’t look away. Instead, he straightened his shoulders and held his ground, continuing to stare straight at him from across the room.

Oh yeah, his guy had lost the timid air about him. Levi seemed bolder, more confident.

Thane didn’t break eye contact. He couldn’t even if he’d wanted to. Damn, Levi was gorgeous even in all those clothes. There was no question in his mind he wanted that man like he’d never wanted anything in his life. His traitorous heart had won the battle. It was doing a happy dance in his chest as his entire being centered on everything Levi Silva.

Based on the intense scowl now marring Levi’s handsome face, Thane supposed Levi hadn’t felt that same draw, or if he had, he wasn’t happy about it. Did Levi know he held the ability to smash Thane’s heart into a million pieces? Thane absently lifted a hand to his chest, placing a palm over the erratic thumping there. He had to do whatever it took to make sure that didn’t happen.

“You said you weren’t going to bother him.”

Thane didn’t turn away even when Levi purposefully dismissed him by spinning on his heels and turning from him, continuing his work as if Thane weren’t standing a few feet away, completely lost in his stunning glow.

“I’m not.”

Julian’s hand gripped his arm, tugging on him till his persistent manager finally broke the spell Levi had him under.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024