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Texas Pride

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Austin’s heart kicked up a beat, stuttered over itself, and his hips began to move more sensuously. He focused on Kitt’s pleasure, not just his own. He worked the gland with every thrust, and his eyes stayed on the screen as he used the palms of his hands to lift Kitt’s chest up, bringing him to a standing position in front of him. They were about the same height, maybe Kitt was an inch or so shorter, but their builds were similar. Austin watched the entire movement. He couldn’t tell if he’d hurt Kitt or not, but he reached up Kitt’s chest and turned his chin back to meet Austin for their first heated kiss.

As Kitt’s tongue slid across his own, the moment turned magical. Tingles rippled across his body. He wrapped Kitt tighter in his arms and softened the kiss. Austin slipped completely out of Kitt and turned him in his arms, never breaking from the hold, or the sweet swirl of their tongues. With Kitt wrapped tightly against his chest, the kiss deepened as Kitt plunged his tongue forward making love to Austin with his mouth. The pesky need to breathe finally tore him free, and he latched onto Kitt’s neck. He worked his way up until he could whisper in Kitt’s ear.

“I want to do this right. I want to watch you when we come,” Austin whispered and slowly lowered them to the rug of his living room floor. The bed just seemed too far away to wait to be back inside this lovely man in his arms. Austin laid Kitt out in front of him and climbed in between his parted thighs. Reaching up, he kissed Kitt again. Austin knew he could kiss this one man over and over for the rest of his life. Kitt was an expert kisser, made just to kiss him.

Kitt anchored his legs around Austin’s waist and tugged free of the kiss, keeping a tight hold around Austin who lay on his chest.

“Finish us off,” he whispered quietly into Austin’s hair.

He didn’t need to be told twice. Austin rose and reached for the lube, not wanting to hurt Kitt, but Kitt stopped him.

“I’m good, just really close.” Their eyes connected, and Austin positioned himself, and slid straight back inside. Kitt rolled his head back and threw his muscular arms up over his head, gripping his fingers into the plush rug. Austin grabbed Kitt’s twitching cock matching the strokes to each drive of his hips.

This was different. There was meaning in this, more so than any other time in his life. His eyes never strayed from the sexy body splayed out in front of him. He watched every muscle in Kitt’s body strain and flex under his assault. Kitt’s sac retracted again as his cock grew more swollen, hardening tighter in his hand. Austin made love to Kitt.

“I’m coming,” Kitt groaned; his eyes still closed tight.

“Me too,” Austin whispered, giving in to the moment. His hips bucked in erratic clumsy strokes as his orgasm exploded in wave after wave of ecstasy. Austin couldn’t seem to stop the movement of his hips and couldn’t be sure that Kitt actually came. Everything closed in on him until there was nothing else but him and this man under him. For the first time ever, Austin was at one with another human being. Kitt was an extension of himself, and it felt so right to connect on this level. Austin dropped forward on top of Kitt, falling face first, but Kitt was ready for him.


“I need to go,” Kitt said looking over the kitchen bar at the clock on the oven.

“No, don’t leave until morning! I’m not done with you yet,” Austin said pulling Kitt back into his arms as a yawn escaped him.

“It’s already mornin’. It’s five. I need to get goin’ before Mike shows up,” Kitt said. Still, he didn’t move from the embrace Austin held him in. They’d never made it to the bedroom. They’d made it to the living room floor, the kitchen counter, the bathroom, but never to the bedroom.

“I don’t want him to see me leave.” Kitt lifted enough to kiss Austin’s right nipple.

They’d made love, but they’d also watched television, eaten again, talked a little, and laughed over Kitt’s nervous lecture at dinner. Right then, Kitt stopped his over active brain from making too much about how well they connected. It wasn’t ‘making love’, it was sex. They’d had sex. Really, really great sex several times over the last six or seven hours. It didn’t take them long to find their fit, and boy did they fit well. But, it was still just sex.

“When can I see you again?” Austin asked, threading his hand into the back of Kitt’s hair, tugging him up from the nipple to look him in the eyes.

“When do you want to?” Kitt leaned forward as Austin lifted for a small, light kiss.

“I love kissing you and today,” Austin said, laying his head on the rug. Another yawn formed, and he finally let it out, not able to push it back down.

“You need sleep, and I’m not sure that’s wise,” Kitt answered, pushing up from the sofa. His body was sore, his ass very sore, and he stood stretching up to touch the ceiling.

“Tonight, then. After dark,” Austin said. His eyes stayed on Kitt.

“I could cook.” Kitt threw over his shoulder, looking around for his clothes, before he spotted them on the floor on the other side of the sofa where he took them off hours ago. Never did he expect anything like this when he walked into this house last night.

“Should I bring anything?” Austin rose to a sitting position, raking his fingers through his hair.

“No, I can get what I need from the main house,” Kitt said, pulling on his clothes. His eyes kept darting over to Austin as he finally stood and walked over to Kitt.

“Okay. If that changes, text me. I put my cell phone number in your phone last night. I wanted you to have it,” Austin said, not letting Kitt button his shirt. Instead Austin slid his hands in the open shirt, wrapping his arms around Kitt. “I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I’m a happy man to learn the real thing was far better than the fantasy, because boy, did I have you doing some good stuff in my dreams.” He grinned at Kitt.

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