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Texas Pride

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“What?” Austin asked, cocking a brow. He leaned back against the sink and concentrated. He was an accomplished, award winning actor, he needed to find his ‘you’re wrong face’, but he really didn’t want to hide it.

“At first I was giving you shit, but now…it is more than a regular fuck, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it’s more than a regular fuck. I told you that when we were sitting with Cara,” Austin said, nodding his head and pronouncing each word distinctly. He took a drink of his coffee; his eyes stayed on Seth trying to gauge his reaction. For everything Austin had said about someday coming out, talking about it now made him nervous. Seth was one of the only people on the planet he’d actually told he liked doing guys.

“I didn’t really pay attention. Is it love?” Seth wasn’t going to let it go.

“We haven’t gone there, and I’ve known him a long time, but not really, if that makes sense. I just re-met him when I moved back.” Austin moved into the living room.

“And this is the cowboy all over the security reports? He lives close?” Seth tracked Austin with his eyes as he came to sit down in a chair near the sofa. The TV was muted, and all of Seth’s attention focused on Austin.

“Yes.” Austin couldn’t get a read on Seth, and he felt like Kitt with these one word answers.

“Did you know he was gay before you moved here, or is that why you chose here?” Seth looked like he was piecing together a puzzle that Austin didn’t even know existed.

“No, not at all. It was just a happy coincidence.” Austin waggled his brows again and took another drink of his coffee.

“Convenient,” Seth finally said.

“Tell me! I haven’t had this much sex since…well, ever,” Austin said, crossing one leg over the other. He perched the mug on the side of the chair, waiting for Seth’s next comment.

“I didn’t think rednecks were so open-minded about these sorts of things,” Seth said after a minute’s silence.

“They aren’t. You can trust me on that one.” Austin shook his head, chuckling a little.

“So he’s in the closet?” Seth asked.

“He’s buried.”

“Huh…then how did you figure it out so fast?” Seth pulled his laptop back in his lap. He looked a little relieved as he turned away from Austin.

“His underwear.” Austin gave his truthful response and hid his smile with another drink.

“Huh?” Seth cocked his head back to Austin.

“It took me a couple more days, but he wore a pair of Andrew Christian underwear. I watched him work. They showed through,” Austin said with a chuckle. Seth just stared at him, the puzzled look back on his face. “You asked…”

“First, I have Andrew Christian underwear, and second, it’s really getting serious? Like this guy’s gonna be around us for awhile?”

“I think we’ve been over this part,” Austin said.

“Humor me.” Seth’s attention was fully back on Austin, his laptop forgotten.

“I see the manager slash agent hat coming out. I see it in your eyes, Seth. I told you I’m done. I’m retired.”

“I didn’t believe you,” Seth replied instantly. “I thought you’d get tired of all this nothingness. Seriously, how have you not?”

“You should’ve believed me. I’m not going back into that crazy ass mess. These last few days confirmed it for me. So done with all that.”

“So you’re thinking about really settling down here, making this your life.” Seth waved his hand around the living room.

“You need to believe me when I tell you I’m not thinking about it. I’ve done it, and I don’t want a bunch of bullshit from you right now. I’m happy. You’re going to be happy with Cara, and I’ve made you a fortune over the last ten years. You’re so tight I know it’s all saved up so you have nothing to worry about,” Austin said.

“It’s not that. You’re a great actor. It’s a shame to think you’ll never act again.” Seth’s words sounded sincere, and even though Austin had always considered him a good friend and not just his agent, hearing those words eased something inside him.

“I appreciate that, but if I do act again, it’s years down the line, and it’ll be a pick and choose kind of deal. I don’t want that life anymore. I couldn’t wipe my ass without someone taking my picture and all those rumors…no, I’m out, done! I can’t even imagine what’s being said about me being seen out in public,” Austin said.

“It’s your own damn fault. It’s because you’re so good looking. Gain weight or grow out your nose hair.” Seth focused back on his laptop. “So where do you see this going?”

“With Kitt?” Austin asked. Not only had he missed Kitt while he was gone, he found he missed this farm. He rose, taking his empty coffee mug to the sink. He needed to get out to the barn to see what was going on.

“Yeah.” Seth stayed glued to the sofa.

“I don’t really know. He won’t come out, so I guess I’ll keep hiding until he’s ready. However long that might be. You coming to the barn with me?”

“So you’re really thinking long term about this guy.” Seth didn’t move but did cock his head back to watch Austin head to the back door.

“Yes! I think I’ve said that over and over.” Austin strode to the back door. He brought his Southern accent out in full force. “You comin’?”

“Huh.” Seth turned back to the laptop.

“Huh back, and what the fuck ever. I’m done with this conversation. You’ll be meetin’ him soon. He has a horse about to give birth. We’re going over there later. Get changed, I’ll be takin’ you on a tour after I go check on things at the barn.”

Chapter 18

About dark, Austin and Seth drove up to the Kelly horse barn. Austin purposefully waited until the field hands left for the day. Mike came over earlier and made regular visits for most of the afternoon to help watch Lady until the vet could free up and stop by. Mike also kept Austin posted on how things were going, even when the place started clearing out. Mike gave Austin the green light to come over. As a precaution, Austin still wore a ball cap he could pull down low and a high collared jacket he could pull up if need be.

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