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Texas Pride

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Kitt had done this run every year since he was in high school. It was hard, treacherous, and absolutely zero fun from an adult point of view. They ran two hundred head of cattle around in a big circle, all on horseback doing an authentic, old school cattle drive. It was three days of pushing teenagers to act like grown men and women. Some got it, but most didn’t. Last year, he’d told the old teacher he was done. No more trips for him, but now as he looked at his high school buddy his heart plunged.

“Is it already that time of year again?” Kitt asked lamely. Micah chuckled at him. Of course, Micah was going. He had two boys involved.

“Yep, same time every year. Can I count you in? The boys learn a lot from you, Kitt. Nobody but you can put modern agriculture education to practice. We sure would appreciate it if you’d head out with us again.”

Henry’s enthusiasm had Kitt backed into a corner. If Austin didn’t like him being gone one night, how would he feel about two or three nights? As if on some sort of cosmic cue, his phone vibrated in his pocket.

“Let me just make sure Jose’s gonna be around, but okay…yeah, I’ll go.” Kitt finally committed as the second vibration came through on his phone. Then a third. Austin thought tease texting was hilarious. He sent message after message and Kitt felt sure they all said the same thing, ‘COME OVER’.

“Thanks, Kitt. That means a lot to me. Micah, we all still meetin’ at your place?”

“Whatever works.” Micah chuckled at the look on Kitt’s face. “Buck up, buddy, Mike’s goin’ too.”

“Kitt, now answer my question! When’s good for you to drive up to Dallas and take this girl out?”

“Whenever you want, Heather,” Kitt said, as he rose. He palmed his cup and excused himself, heading across the gym to the punch bowl. Damn, he hoped somebody had spiked it by now.


It looked like Big Dick’s Tavern was hopping after the school social. The place was packed, drawing Kitt and Micah in as they drove through town together. Heather had stayed behind on clean-up duty giving Micah the out and a few minutes alone. Kitt didn’t even ask as he pulled his pick-up truck off the highway into the gravel parking lot. He skimmed the place looking for a spot to park.

“It’s because no one spiked the punch. It’s too politically incorrect now to do shit like that. Too bad. It made the place more bearable,” Micah said as he looked around at all the vehicles in the parking lot.

“Yeah, we’re gonna have to work on that next year.” Kitt tugged at his tie, loosening it as he followed Micah inside. It was somewhere after one in the morning, but the place was packed solid. The juke box blared an old Willie tune. The dance floor, pool tables and bar were all loaded full of people.

“See if you can get us a table,” Micah called out over the music. Kitt wound his way to the tables, nodding his head or shaking hands with people along the way. He knew everyone here. There wasn’t anyone in the place he hadn’t known for most of his life.

“Hey man! I haven’t seen you around at all!” Jimmy shoved out of a booth, shaking Kitt’s hand before taking the seat next to JoLynne. Kitt heard rumors they were dating. From the way Jimmy’s arm reached around her, pulling her into his side, the rumors seemed to be true. Apparently, they’d hooked up back months ago, the last night Kitt had been in the bar. Right before he met Austin. It was funny, Kitt used to come in here at least once a week, and for the past several months it hadn’t even occurred to him to come in before tonight.

“Been busy. Hey, JoLynne,” Kitt said, nodding at her across the table.

“Hey yourself, Kitt Kelly. Where you been hidin’?” she asked.

“Workin’.” The one word response was all he was willing to give. Micah came up to the table and Kitt pushed himself over and took the offered beer. Micah and Jimmy did quick fist bumps as another song began.

“He’s sold his horses.” Micah yelled across the table.

“No kidding, all of ’em?” Jimmy yelled back. “I saw the semi’s movin’ the hay out. You’re doin’ real good, man. I’m happy for you.” Kitt got the same fist bump as Micah.

“It’s not that big a deal.” Kitt shrugged it off because technically was it considered doing well when Austin bought everything he sold?

“Whatever, man. No one thought you could dig out of your daddy’s hole.” Jimmy paused, his eyes darting up to Kitt’s. “No offense.”

“None taken. I wasn’t sure I could either.” Kitt lifted his beer, tapping the long neck with Jimmy’s. “Any chance on a table? The quarters look stacked.”

“Not tonight. The old timers got some competition goin’. It’s a fund raiser or somethin’. It lasts until four. Next week’s poker. I won a hundred bucks last week! You should come play!”

JoLynne stayed weirdly quiet, watching Kitt closely. Kitt ignored it for as long as he could, but finally cut his eyes to her.

“You’re in love, Kitt Kelly! Who is she?”

Every head at the table turned to Kitt. Hell, every head within hearing distance turned to him. After a minute, it felt like every pair of eyes in the bar was trained on him just to see what everyone looked at. He knew his cheeks brightened under the stare, and he had no idea how to answer that question.

“It’s true!” JoLynne sat up a little straighter, clapping her hands. “Who is it? Is she from here?”

Kitt started shaking his head, but the words weren’t coming. Of course, his phone picked then to vibrate in his pocket. Jimmy narrowed his brow, Micah looked shocked, and JoLynne beamed.

“There’s no she in my life. You’re way off base.” Kitt denied. Not exactly a lie, but it did feel very much like one. Why was he struggling with lying about his sexuality now? He shook his head again. “You don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, JoLynne.”

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