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Texas Pride

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“Where’s Lily and my sisters?”

“They’re at the house, protected. We’ve kept everyone off your land. The horses are secure, Jose’s with them. We’ve put all our energy into your place, per Austin.”

“Where’s he?” Kitt looked around at the men as heat scorched his face. They were all on horseback, riding like pros, and every one of them knew about their relationship. But, the evidence in his hand had him blushing like a school girl.

“In flight back here.”

“What happened?” Kitt asked.

“It’s in the note he left for you, sir.”

Okay, the sir was new, and it somehow made Kitt more anxious than he already was. He looked up at Mike who quietly stared at him, quiet. Kitt tore open the envelope and pulled the letter out to see Austin’s handwriting.

It’s completely my fault. I should have deleted those pictures. I thought the email account was secure and have no idea how anyone found out it was mine. I’m doing the only thing I know to do, and that’s to get it out in the world before the tabloids throw you under the bus. And they would do just that, Kitt.

I’m so sorry. I wish I could speak to you before I do this. Please do what my security tells you to do. They’re trained in this. I’m so sorry.

All my love,


It still didn’t provide any answers except Austin knew about the photo of him on the front of the magazine. Kitt looked down at the magazine again. He didn’t know exactly when it had been taken, but the entire right side of his body was bare and he was standing at the front door of his cabin. If it was possible, even more heat rushed to his cheeks and he looked up again at Sam.

“When was this taken?” The caption on the tabloid was clear: Austin Grainger’s Cowboy Lover Cheating, Up Close and Personal.

“When we first moved in. There’s more inside. It was the night the guy driving the sports car came. Austin had us delete the photos. I don’t know how they got them.”

“Austin’s email,” Kitt simply said. He thumbed the magazine like it was a noose he was slipping around his neck. A nude picture was humiliating enough, but if Sean was in there, Kitt was completely outted. It took a second, and his hands started to shake as shame hit him hard. It was right there for everyone to see, Kitt bent down to kiss Sean who sat inside his car. Dread filled his soul as his now numb heart allowed him to toss the magazine to the ground.

“Where did Austin go?” Fear set in, making him grow cold inside. Kitt was completely shamed for the entire world to see.

“He wants you to call him to explain.” The guard handed Kitt a cell phone to use.

“No, you explain it to me.” The famous Kelly anger spoke for Kitt. The anger he’d tried most of his life to hide now became the most dominant emotion pouring through him. It would make Kitt unreasonable and unstable, but would definitely replace the hurt coursing through every vein in his body.

“I don’t know all the details, sir.”

“Cara’s at the house with Lily and the girls. She’s been there since Austin asked her to come out last night. I’m gatherin’ Austin thought if he spoke first it would take the focus off you. He’s gone to New York, I think,” Mike said it quickly and efficiently. He’d been Kitt’s friend too long, he knew how Kitt worked.

“There was no clear evidence the email account was Austin’s. They were trying to flush him out through you. He wasn’t going to let you go like his PR team wanted him to do. I was on the call, Mr. Kelly. He drew the attention off you. This isn’t the big news of the day, as bad as this looks.” Sam pointed to the tabloid now lying on the ground. “It’s all about Austin Grainger being gay. He made the announcement last night before this was printed. We have a man waiting at the bend, making sure we’re clear. We need to get you home, sir.”

Kitt didn’t hesitate. He kicked his mount into action and moved quickly toward home. The anger never left, nor did the firm set of his jaw. This was the very worst thing that could have happened to him. Nothing compared to this, and to top it off, Austin planned to leave. He was giving Kitt everything. Kitt had allowed his heart to become involved while it was always just as he’d thought, he was a kept man. Austin was giving him the land, the horses, everything. They weren’t partners. Kitt was a kept toy, and yet, he’d fallen in love with Austin. Kitt loved him so completely that at this moment it wasn’t the fear of what was to come, but the fact that Austin planned to leave that made him drive his mount harder, barreling toward home. Fuck whoever was there. Fuck everything. Kitt had lost it all.


Three hours later, Kitt finally shut the door to his cabin. Fatigue from the trip allowed his temper to settle. That, and the knowledge Lily and his sisters were okay. When he’d walked into the main house, Lily grabbed him up, hugging him tight. So did Kylie but Bryanne wasn’t quite as receptive. She was angry. Her date for the night was cancelled because they were on lockdown. It made her so angry he could see some of that fired up Kelly temper in her. She didn’t care whether Kitt was gay, straight, or dropped off the edge of a cliff, it was all about her.

Cara had been kind. She’d tried to explain what she knew of the situation, but Kitt didn’t want to hear any of it. He stayed quiet, turning into himself. If he didn’t want to hear any of it, he wanted to say even less. From the front windows of the main house Kitt saw several news station vans from Dallas and Austin out front. He’d been told Austin’s gate swarmed with them. Several snuck around back. All of Austin’s security resources were here and focused on the two farms.

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