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The Current Between Us

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“I have something to say… I should just leave. I have so much to do to get ready for Thursday. It’s just fucking hard. I want to spend all my time with you. You’ve become everything I think about. I can’t focus on this grand opening; I can’t focus on my report. Only you… You’re every one of my thoughts and I know we have forever. I don’t have to rush this, but it’s not my nature to not rush it.” Gage paused in his flow of words. Both Trent’s hands were now in his and Gage held on to them tightly.

Trent tried to sort out the words being flung at him, to understand what Gage was really saying, and after a couple of moments of Gage standing there scanning his face, Trent narrowed his eyes, lowered his brow, and bit his lip. Trent wanted to say he understood. He’d experienced all those same things, but fear kept him quiet. Words like forever scared the crap out of him because he wanted those exact same things with Gage. At some point, Gage would get bored, everyone always did, and if Trent didn’t keep some perspective and rein these emotions in, it would hurt too badly when Gage left.

“Give me something… Anything to let me know I’m not alone in this, Trent. I get you’re reserved, and extremely cautious, and I understand I’m balls-to-the-wall, but I need something… anything…” Gage pleaded.

He didn’t know if he could say the right words, but he did lean in, slanting his mouth over Gage’s, and kissed him again. It wasn’t the soft romantic kisses on the sofa, but more like the hard kiss they’d shared in the backyard. Gage melted into Trent, and he wrapped his arms around Gage, threading his fingers in his hair. Several minutes passed before they broke to come up for air.

“We’re so different,” Trent started, but Gage stopped him, placing his hands on Trent’s lips.

“What’s in your heart, Trent? Am I alone in this?” Gage asked, and he wouldn’t release Trent’s gaze. Desperation poured off Gage as he waited for the answer.

“You’re not alone, Gage.” Trent whispered the confession, and somehow, by saying it out loud, a few of the walls he’d built around his heart crumbled. Gage smiled and reached out to kiss his lips lightly.

“Good, it’s enough for now,” Gage said and captured Trent’s lips with his.

Chapter 15

“I think we’re good. I’ll go ahead and green tag you today, if those voltage changes were made out front. Where’s your electrician?” The inspector asked during the final walk through of the remodel. Gage, the inspector, and Roger McCall were upstairs in Gage’s living area, taking the last tour around. Tomorrow was Thursday, the big grand opening, and at this point, there was no time to get it wrong. They were down to the last few steps before Gage could declare victory.

“I believe he’s in the bedroom, hanging the last ceiling fan,” McCall said, and in unison they all three turned toward the bedroom. Gage stayed through the entire walk-through, although he missed a scheduled call in from one of his guys, but he left nothing to chance. The foreman couldn’t be trusted to get anything right. It was truly a wonder they were on schedule at all, even with him and his father breathing down everyone’s neck.

As they entered the bedroom, Gage’s eyes went immediately to the ladder in the middle of the room, where Trent stood, working. The bed was pushed aside. His tool belt hung on his hips bringing his jeans down low, almost showing a peek of that sexy butt crack. His hands were above his head, holding and mounting the heavy fan to the ceiling. The muscles in his arms and back strained under the exertion he used to hold it all in place. Gage forgot everything else going on around him and stood there watching Trent’s T-shirt stretch tight across his back. He prayed those jeans would magically fall to his ankles while he stood right here.

“Cooper, when you get done, I need a minute,” the inspector said. Trent didn’t turn around and didn’t startle, he continued to work and replied back.

“Almost done,” Trent said, turning the base plate, locking the fan into position. He released his tight hold, but stayed in the position, making sure the ceiling fan remained secure before he made his way down. The apprentice electrician standing under him closed the ladder and cleaned up the floor as Trent dropped his tools back in his belt and walked toward them.

“Yes, sir,” he said, shaking the inspectors hand in greeting.

“I need to check the sign voltage out front. They’re gonna have to raise the sign, but I’m passing it today on the contingency everything we’ve talked about today is done by the first of next week.” As the inspector spoke, Gage stood there silently watching Trent. All his attention focused on the man in front of him. He watched as Trent raised his arm to wipe the sweat from his brow onto the short sleeve of his T-shirt. Trent stood with his back straight, his hands on his hips, his legs spread apart and those jeans still riding low because of the tool belt. Gage loved this look Trent sported. Trent stunned him regularly with that ruggedly hard yet gorgeously-made male thing he had going on. Gage was completely lost in this man.

He forced his eyes down to his feet as he felt his body harden. He needed to gain perspective fast. Hell, his body still hadn’t recovered from last night. Gage never went without sex when his body raged with such a need, but sex had never been about love before and now it seemed like the only thing that mattered.

“Mr. Synclair, did you hear me?” the inspector asked.

“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t,” Gage said, looking up at all three of them staring at him.

“We’re going downstairs to talk to the sign people. I’ll release the building. Make sure that sign gets raised before next weekend, or I’ll have to shut it down again,” the inspector said.

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