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Boogeyman's Dream (Devils Rejects MC 2)

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“That crazy bastard is the last thing our club needs. I’m in.” I grin, and Hades shakes his head.

“Knew you would be. Let’s put it to a vote. All in favor...”

Unanimous rounds of “Aye,” sounds in the room.

Cocky got his name because he used to be into fighting roosters underground. Underground cock fighting pits were his business till he got shut down. He was nomad for a few years after he was released from prison. Hades says he’s ready to return to the club. Ready to help us take down Tiny Leone.

We move on to other topics.

“Boogeyman, you seen that prospect...fucking Garret or some shit.”

“Eugene,” someone calls out.

“Nope.” I shake my head. “Not seen him since we put down those sorority whores,” I lie to my Prez.

I lie to keep my dirty little secret.

My Shelly.

He gives me a cross look but doesn't ask further just gives me a nod.

“Terror, see if you can track him down. I don’t want any loose ends. We have another delivery to make next month. Gotta go further away from home this time. Don't want anyone tying the two together when the next hit goes down.”

The meeting continues going over the normal shit. Everyone is accounted for and everything is on schedule.

Church comes to a close, but Hades tells me to hang back. Says he wants a word with me.

I tense but keep my cool.

He doesn’t know anything.

He couldn't know.

“Where the fuck you been, man? Uno says Stephanie swears she saw you buying tampons.” Hades stares me down. That nosy cunt. Goddamn her. Too damn mouthy and big of a shit stirrer for her own good. She’ll be Uno’s downfall. It is a shame because I do like the piss ant.

“Maybe I was getting them for Uno’s bitch ass to shove in his pansy asshole, so he can smell like a flower when his cunt wife straps one on. We both know she wears the damn pants. Her dick is probably bigger than his.” I laugh but Hades narrows his eyes on me. “I don’t know what she thinks she saw. I was buying rubbers. What the fuck those two doing spying on me for?”

“Easy. No one is watching you. Just wondered where you been. I haven’t seen you around the clubhouse as much lately.”

“Yeah, well I’ve been busy.”

“Doing what? You running something under the table I should know about?”

“Nope. Just been cleaning my place up is all.”

He snorts. “You clean?”

“Yeah, motherfucker, I clean.” I flip him off. “My name is really Mr. Clean.”

He rolls his eyes. “I know you love nothing more than giving Uno hell but take it easy on him. He’s got shit going on. Under a lot of stress right now.” The serious look he has on his face gives me pause.

“What kind of shit.”

“Stephanie found out she can’t have kids. He’s taking it pretty damn hard.”

“It’s because she is really a fucking dude.” I smirk.

“Whatever, man. Just tone it down. I’ll see you soon. I need to get home to Sara and CT.”

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