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Falling For The Bad Boy

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We get into the car and Kai takes my hand placing it in his lap. He smiles at me and it makes everything seem all right, even though I know it isn’t.

“That guy—my mom moved him in with us and she doesn’t even know him. It has been just the two of us since I was in grade school. I can’t stay there with them they just… I can’t.”

“My mom is planning on asking you this tomorrow night but the week after next is spring break and well, we are going to the beach and mom wants to take you with us to help with Khloe. You don’t need any money. She will pay for everything and pay you for helping with Khloe. Jake is coming with us too. Well, the whole band is going actually. We have a show booked. At least, if anything, it will get you away from there for a week.”

“That is amazing. I am happy for you, Kai, really. I would love to go I just don’t know how my mom would feel about it.” If I were already eighteen, I would go without asking.

“My mom will talk to her, it will be fine. My mom has a convention she is speaking at. It’s the only reason we are going. My band getting a gig was a bonus.”

“Okay, if my mom agrees, I’ll go.”

When I tell Kai that I have never been to the beach, he can’t believe it. They go every year for vacation. He starts making plans for all the stuff he wants to show me. It sounds so amazing. I have never been out of Muddy Waters other than field trips for school. I am really excited about the possibility.

Before we get out of the car at school, Kai leans into me and kisses my lips softly. I have to pull back from him to keep from being late or else I will stay here in this car all day kissing him.

At his locker, Kai kisses me again in front of everyone. I have to wonder, does this mean we are a thing now or are we just friends that kiss? I feel stupid asking him to be my boyfriend. Do I want him to be m

y boyfriend when I know we both have plans of leaving to chase our dreams? Is that what he meant when he said this would hurt us both?


At lunch, Raven is pouting because she wants to go to the beach with the band. Well, she wants to go with Jake, but I keep that thought to myself. Today Kai is sitting next to me instead of across from me. He is being sweet, holding my hand.

“So, are you guys like a thing now?”

I don’t answer and shove a fork full of peaches in my mouth to avoid her question. I’d like to know the answer myself.

Kai speaks up answering for both of us. “Kat and I are what we are. We don’t need a label putting pressure on us.” Well that answers my question of him being my boyfriend.

Raven appears irritated with his response. Guess she was hoping he would say we are dating so she can proceed with Jake.

After school, Kai invites me to his band’s practice session. He doesn’t work tonight. I can’t wait to hear them play and to meet the rest of the band. Before we go to Jake’s place, he swings through the drive-thru at the Dairy Bar and treats me to a strawberry milkshake, plus he orders some hot dogs and fries for us to share.

I’m not that hungry but the fries smell too tempting to pass them up.

Since we kissed last night, I feel closer to Kai, and I am afraid that when the time comes I won’t want to let him go. I’ve never felt that way about anyone in my life. Funny how one kiss changes everything…

I feed Kai as he drives and he nearly takes off my finger, mistaking it for a fry, but he kisses it and makes it better. So sweet. God, his lips are incredible.

We are the first to get to Jake’s, so Kai asks me to help him with a song. He plays his guitar as I sing the lyrics for him.

I never knew there would be you

I never knew I could fall for you

There’s this light that shines

A light that guides me home

When I’m lost it guides me to you

Girl you love me like no other

Such a sweet thing

We go through the spots he is having trouble with a few times, and I find that we make a great team. Jake joins us, followed by a couple of other guys I vaguely remember from when I was a freshman. Kai introduces me to them. Hunter is tall and lanky with dark spiked hair, tats cover the sides of his neck, travelling down his arms. He has on skinny jeans and a snug fitting black t-shirt. He smiles widely at me and sticks his tongue out, flicking his tongue ring. I don’t know why but it makes me blush. Then there is Vance with his shaved but tattooed head. There is a dragon covering his scalp. He is dressed in cargo pants and a t-shirt with a marijuana leaf on the front. He instantly hugs me, which I find odd but comforting.

Raven comes strolling in a few minutes later, and apparently, she is their manager. I had no idea. She takes a seat beside me on the couch and pulls a laptop from her bag. Once she powers it on, she brings up a blog she made for the band. They actually have a small following. The guys go through their set while Raven gives them pointers, and I scroll through the comments and photos on their site. They have been playing at local fairs and festivals. They even have a YouTube channel.

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