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Tempting The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 3)

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“Who else?”

“If I tell you I’m dead.”

I get a sinking feeling I know exactly who the other one was.

“They keep you this whole time?”

She shakes her head. “After...I was kept in a dark room...I’m not sure how long I was there.”

“Do you know where it was?”

“No. I woke up this morning at the park near my house. I didn’t want to go home, but I didn’t know where else to go so I came to the club and waited for you.”

Chapter Four

“No one is gonna hurt you. Not on my watch. Never again.”

I sit on the edge of the worn bed and suck in a breath, the scent of his earthy cologne hits my nose. James’s words sound pretty but all they are is a beautiful lie. “You can’t promise me something you can’t guarantee. I was raped in your house. And it’s not your fault it’s mine.”

Going to his knees, he kneels before me. “Lex, sweetheart. It’s not your fault. Don’t you dare fucking blame yourself for what happened to you. I said I’m gonna handle it.”

I nod. I don’t have the strength to argue with him. I wish I could believe him, but I played with fire and I got burned. I paid the price for being stupid. One mistake. One loser. Now look at me. “I actually thought Todd liked me at first. That he was gonna save me from the prison I live in at home.”

“Are things really that bad at home with your folks?”

“You have no idea. I’d rather live in a box than go back there. What do you think my father will do if he finds out his perfect little angel went and got herself raped by not one but two drug dealing losers? He’ll never let me back home. I might as well jump off a bridge. My life is over now. I fucked everything up. I ruin everything. Everyone thinks I have it all. I’m popular at school. I make good grades. But no matter what I do I’m never good enough for my parents. Even Rochelle is only my friend because she feels sorry for me. She knows I’m no good. You see it. You know I’ve got bad in me. Who’s gonna want me now?”

“Shut the fuck up.”


“Lex, look at me.” I meet his gaze. His chocolate eyes burning with such intensity I could melt into the bed. “You know you’re beautiful. Got a mouth on you but one day...” he trails off, his gaze fixated on my lips. Trailing his fingers along my jaw he stops suddenly and gets to his feet. “Go to sleep. When you wake up, I want that other name.”

“Sleep?” I laugh. “You think I can sleep. Whenever I close my eyes, I see them. I smell them. I hear them grunting. I feel their heavy weight pressing me down on the floor. I can still feel the carpet burning my stomach.” I swipe a finger under my eye and lick my lips. “I’ll never sleep again.”

He shifts from foot to foot then sighs before settling on the

bed. Laying back on the thin pillow he holds an arm out. “C’mere.”

I stare at the skulls and roses covering his chest, getting hypnotized by the tattooed pattern.

“C’mere. I’ll keep you safe. You can trust me, Alexa. I know you have no reason to because I’ve already let you down once, but I swear to you I won’t fail you now.”

I fall into his hold. My head to his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. Concentrating on the way his touch doesn’t scare me. Centering on the fact that I’ve never felt safer than I do right now in this man’s arms. I want to fade into nothing. Roll back time and disappear before all the bad. I thought I’d be safe at Rochelle’s because her father is a man with the road name Murder. I mean no one would fuck with someone with ties to a man like that. Not if they were smart.

I was wrong.

“You breathe a word of this and you’re dead.” The man who came in while Todd was assaulting me taunted me repeatedly as he joined in on the torture. I passed out somewhere along the way, and when I woke up blood was crusted to my thighs and everything hurt. The other man had left but Todd was still there, waiting for me. “You’re lucky you aren’t dead.”

Tense and wound up my body aches at the memory. I feel dead inside.

James strokes his rough fingers along the length of my arm. “Close your eyes and take a deep breath. I want you to imagine your happy place.”

“I don’t have one of those.”

“Everyone has one.”

“What’s yours?”

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