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Guns & Roses (Black Rebel Devils MC 2)

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“Just so we’re clear. I lost on purpose.”

“Sure you did.” His torturous lips meet the back of my thigh as he pulls my denim the rest of the way off carefully.

Strong hands work their way up my legs rubbing and teasing. “Spread’em.” Abel presses against my knees and I comply. We may not like one another very much but one thing we have in common is our sexual attraction. Arousal coats my inner thighs. The thrill of anticipation shoots through me like waiting for fireworks to explode on the Fourth of July.

Maybe Stephanie was right. Sex is the key to making Abel love me. He removes my black lace bottoms next. His weight presses against me, and I hear his zipper. Lips to my neck he lines his cock up with my entrance. The head of his dick kisses my pussy lips. Rubbing the tip back and forth through my slick heat, he teases me.

“Always ready for this dick, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” I hiss, bracing for his intrusion. Closing my eyes, I push all thoughts out of my mind and focus on him and the joining of our bodies. Grabbing my hip, he drives inside me. We fit together easily, and I find myself wondering where we’d be now had I met him first. The first time I saw him I knew I was attracted to him. His gorgeous blue eyes, charming smile, and tattoos sucked me in. I thought I knew what I wanted…To be with Axel but he gave me up so easily. He didn’t even try to fight for me. He handed me off to Abel like an old worn t-shirt. A hand me down. I was nothing special to him. What we had meant nothing.

Reaching back, I place my hand on my husband’s and promise myself that this time I’ll get it right. This time when I fall, I’ll be sure.

Pulling out, he taps me on my hip. “Up on the table. I want you looking in my eyes when you get off.”

My chest squeezes tight and I push up from the table. Lifting my hips, he sits me on the edge.

“Did you mean what you said earlier? That you want to try?”

Wrapping my legs around him, I nod into his mouth and kiss him deeply. His tongue meets mine full of desire. “I want to be with you, Abel. I want you to love me. I want to make you happy.”

He doesn’t say anything. My husband pushes inside me, and I lay back on the table and pretend he already does love me. I give in and as his touch moves over my body, his cock pumps inside me, and his kisses melt into my skin. I allow him to erase Axel from my heart and my mind.

“Forget about me.”

I already have.

“Eyes on me, wife ‘o mine.” My gaze meets his and his eyes remind me of crushed blue velvet. I let go and freefall over the cliff of eternal bliss. My husband falls with me. A tremble quakes through him, his warmth flows into me, and I rock against him, chasing a second orgasm, loving the feel of him.

Resting his forehead against mine, his beer stained breath washes over me in heavy waves. Our lips meet briefly, and he pulls out leaving me feeling fully sated. Gazing between us he smirks then rubs a finger through my slick heat and shoves his cum back inside me. Kissing my belly, he continues to finger fuck me.

“Abel…” I pant as warmth floods me.

“You belong to me now, Ainsley. I don’t ever want you thinking about Axel or any other fuckin’ man again. This pussy belongs to me. And I promise you, I’ll only think of you.” I shudder and soak his fingers. Removing his touch, he shoves his fingers in my mouth. “We taste good together.”

I moan around his fingers, my body feeling on fire like live a wire.

“Come on. Get your clothes back on. I need something to eat.”


While I’m getting my clothes on, he’s on his cell phone. “Trash it.”

“He sent something else?”

Abel nods, tucking his phone in his back pocket. “Nothing to worry about.” He grabs my hand, bringing my knuckles to his lips. “You driving or you want to ride on the back of my bike?”

“Your bike.” I smile. We’ve been married for three months now, and I still haven’t ridden with him. I try to hide the uneasiness I feel about Raul Hernandez and the presents he keeps sending me. Abel isn’t concerned but I am. The man claims my father promised him my hand and from the things I have heard about him he sounds like a monster.

“Good answer. Leave your keys behind the bar. I’ll have one of the guys get it home for you.”

We spend ten minutes in the parking lot while he gives me a crash course in being a passenger on a motorcycle. My arms go around Abel and I inhale the leather scent of his cut. The world blows past us and I feel free and like maybe we stand a chance.

For the first time in what seems like forever I have hope.

Hope that he will keep me safe.

Hope that we are going to be okay.

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