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DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas)

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I headed to the Phantom and pulled out my mini book and pen. Then, I jotted down a note.

I can unite us.

I placed the book and pen back in my pocket and left the Secret Garden.

My chauffer held open the door. “Where should we go next, sir?”

Smiling, I thought of Rose cuddled up with my kitten and a good book. “Take me home.”

I gave a sad smile to the empty seat across from me. The one where Viktor used to sit. The one I would never fill again.

I took my pen and mini book out again.

I miss him, but I’ll be okay. Rose and Barbara are with me.

We left the West’s downtown area.

Putting my book and pen up, I gazed out my window and took in the view of Paradise. My city of brilliant wealth and power. A place that could be heaven and hell. A city that stalked and consumed like a dangerous beast, yet saved more souls than any angel. A land of luxury for the darkest alphas.

Caviar Lime Highway looked packed. Billboards on each corner showed Parks smiling in boring gray suits, looking as fake as ever. And right across the street, were double the amount of billboards displaying me. They were larger too. And in them, I smiled with Rose by my side, and we sparkled above the city.

I wish I could see his face when he sees them.

The Phantom rounded onto Platinum Row.

Just another day in Paradise.




Many, many years later. . .


closed the photo album and looked down at little Marcelo. “The end.”

Those small eyes gazed at me in disbelief. “No.”

I looked to the side. Cara had passed out right when I began describing the moment I met Rose. She’d never gotten to the other murders. Lightly snoring, she held her yellow teddy bear tight to her chest. My mother had given it to her this Christmas morning, and I believed it to be Cara’s favorite toy.

Marcelo moved the cover from his legs and tried to get out of the bed. “You can’t finish there.”

“It is bedtime. You should already be asleep.”

“There’s so much more story to tell.”

“I gave you the gist of it all. And as you already know, everyone. . .well most everyone lived happily ever after.”

He pouted. “But, what about the Killer Crows? And the Four Bases?!”

“Four Aces.”

“Did Lei kill his dad? Did Kashmere every forgive you? What happened with the mayor race?”

I grinned. “You like my stories?”

He used his little fist to punch the air. “They’re the best!”

“Shh.” I held a finger in front of my lips. “We can’t wake Cara.”

“Grandpa, I want more stories.”

“Not tonight.” I helped him lay down and rose from my chair. “However, I will tell you some more tomorrow.”

“I want to know more about Marcelo too.”

“Of course you do.” I grinned. “You’re named after him.”

Smiling up at me from his pillow, he asked, “Why did Mommy name me after him?”

“Because I made him your mother’s god father, and he took it much too seriously.”

Marcelo grinned.

“He protected her like she was his daughter. He was the one to give your Mom her first gun.”

Little Marcelo opened his mouth in shock.

I bent over and kissed his forehead. “Now close your eyes and go to sleep and dream of unicorns stabbing sheep.”

Marcelo giggled.

“Dima.” Rose stepped into the bedroom with a disapproving expression. “Evelyn asked you to not say that to him.”

I sighed. “Evelyn must understand that I am the father and she is the daughter.”

“Yes, but Marcelo is her son and she wants to make his childhood less violent.” Rose strolled in and placed a kiss on his cheek. “How’s my little grandbaby doing?”

“Super good. Grandpa told me about a serial killer who wanted to murder seven people. And you helped him find out who it was! And you were dating a really, really short man that grandpa beat up several times.”

Rose kissed him again and shook her head. “I see your grandfather took several liberties with that report, not to mention the fact that it is not an appropriate bedtime story.”

I raised my eyebrows. “How is it not appropriate? It’s about love and courage and it has one of the most epic heroes in it.”

“Get out, Dima.” She chuckled. “Before Evelyn doesn’t bring my grandbabies back over again.”

Little Marcelo countered, “But, I love when Grandpa tells me stories about the Diamond Syndicate.”

“That’s fine.” Rose smiled. “However, tomorrow grandpa will tell you about the three little pigs.”

Marcelo returned to pouting. “I would rather hear about the Four Aces.”

I winked at him. “Don’t worry, my little buddy. I’ve got you.”

Rose shook her head again.

I took her hand.

We left the room.

Rose frowned. “You’re going to get in trouble with Evelyn.”

“That’s fine. In the end, Evelyn is a proper daddy’s girl. I don’t have to truly follow the rules.” I led her to the balcony.

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