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DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas)

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I gulped as my body responded with heat. My nipples stiffened.

He targeted me with an intense gaze. “Can you help me with that?”

My voice went low. “No. I can’t.”

“Why not? Are you nervous about the danger around me? You’ll always be protected.”

“Thank you, but I’m not. . .”


“I’m not having a sexual relationship with you.”

“You would love the sex.”

“I. . .might.”

“Hmmm.” A dark chuckle left him. “Do you remember what I promised you before?”

“Unfortunately, you’ve already said a lot. I can’t remember it all.”

He kissed me. It was sudden. In one second, his mouth was inches away. Next, those soft lips smoothed against mine. Relishing in the kiss’s seductive trance, I parted my lips. He slipped his tongue in and tenderly twirled it along mine. And then, he fucked me with his tongue—all wild and dominant, letting me know who would be in full command during sex.

A soft moan escaped me.

Groaning, he pulled back and licked his lips. “I’m not surprised that you’re an amazing kisser. You surely exercise your mouth enough.”

Frowning, I began to speak.

He countered by capturing my words with another kiss. The sensual attack was perfect. Necessary. Addictive. I leaned against the car. He slid his hands within his jacket that I was wearing. He had his arms around my waist next and pulled me closer to him, molding my body against him.


Sirens blared off in the distance.

I moved away and caught my breath.

He let me go and touched his lips as if savoring the memory of our kiss.

Honestly, I yearned to do the same thing too.

“You’re not to be out and about with Parks or any other man again.”

I cleared my throat. “You don’t tell me what to do!”

“Fine.” He stepped back and nodded. “Now, I understand.”

“Understand what?”

“You don’t care about their safety. Therefore, I won’t care either.”

I shook my head. “Don’t threaten me—”

“I’m not.”

“And don’t try to bully me either—”

“I never will. I’m just explaining to you the rules of Paradise. If you want to date other short, annoying men, then go back to New York.” He placed his hands into his pockets. “However, I hope you don’t leave. The sight of you is becoming the only joy and beauty of these past days. I love that Paradise and I have had the pleasure of your presence.”

There was so much to unpack with those statements.

He continued, “My men will follow your car, go upstairs with you, check out your place to make sure no maniac is in your condo, and confirm that Barbara Whiskers has food and water. Then, when they believe Barbara and you are safe, they’ll stand outside of your door. Are we clear?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Good. We understand each other. Have a safe evening.”

“Hold on. I—”

“When I’ve finished finding this killer, I’m going to pick you up and you’ll be wearing something even sexier than what you wore tonight.”


“We’ll fly out of Paradise to somewhere nice to eat. An island or city you haven’t visited. Then, we’ll sample the best food that money can buy.”

“I’m not going on a—”

“Afterwards, we’ll fly somewhere else. I’ve decided I want to fuck you on a yacht.”

I held my mouth open.

“I like the idea of the bed rocking from both my cock and the boat’s riding of waves. I plan to make you moan very loud.” He tipped an imaginary hat. “Good evening, Ms. Walsh.”

Viktor smirked at me and then left with him.

Two other men watched me.

One spoke, “Our car will be here in two minutes, Ms. Walsh. We’ll be following you. Please, stay until that happens.”

“O-kay.” I opened the door, climbed in, and closed the door.


A Kiss to Remember



till outside of the Shamrock club, I remained in my car, sitting in a daze. Dimitri’s warm cologne-drenched jacket kept me comfortable.

Dimitri’s men continued to stand by my car and wait for theirs to arrive. That was good because I surely needed a minute to figure out what had just happened.

Dimitri had left me highly aroused and still spinning from the aftermath of his kiss. Suddenly, my body felt starved for sexual pleasure.

I stared at the steering wheel. “Did I really kiss him?”

My core throbbed with hunger.

Why was that so good?

If Dimitri’s kisses were any indicator of his bed skills, then I was destined to be riding his cock by the end of the week.

Damn it. Is that even fair for him to be so evil and irresistible at the same time? God, why would you do that?

I put my hand into his jacket and pulled out a small note pad and pen. I shouldn’t have, but I opened it. Lines of cursive notes decorated the pages. None of them made any sense to me, although I spotted my name a few times.

I read a few and flipped the pages.

Don’t compliment a dead friend’s dress. The people who are alive don’t like it.

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