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DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas)

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My heart twisted because I wanted to be there for him and I couldn’t exactly understand why.

“Don’t say no.” He moved in close, but didn’t touch me. “I want to be inside of you. I want to taste your pussy some more.”

Desire rose within me.

Unable to help myself, I took his hand. “Okay.”

He quirked his brows. “Not sarcasm?”

“We’ll. . .handle the particulars later.”

He licked his lips. “We will definitely do that.”


An Inside Look



m I really doing this?

I’d entered a restaurant with one man for a date and now I would be leaving with another man. Those actions did not represent a proper lady. A bit of guilt filled me. Perhaps, I was too hard on Jonathan. We would definitely need to talk tomorrow.

I just hope Jonathan has already left. He shouldn’t see me leave this way.

Dima placed his jacket over my shoulders. “It’s cold outside.”

“Thank you.”

“You need a jacket.”

“I didn’t realize Paradise Falls would be so chilly.”

We left the bathroom.

Dima’s ten men surrounded us.

I’d hoped to walk out of the Secret Garden without being noticed, but every diner turned our way. I spotted Jonathan standing by his table and ordering his men to grab some of the to-go boxes that stacked his table. When he turned and spotted us, I cringed. Rage decorated his face.

Tightening his grip on my hand, Dimitri waved goodbye to him.

I nudged him. “That’s enough, Dimitri.”

Smirking, he faced forward. “Dima.”

“Sorry. I have to get used to it.”

“Then, do so immediately.”

I rolled my eyes.

He smoothed his thumb along my palm. “I like hearing you say it.”

My heart warmed. A silly giddiness came over me like I was a high schooler with a crush.

One of his men opened the door for us to walk out.

Cool wind tickled the side of my neck.

I took in the new guys’ faces. “I heard that you made replacements.”

Dima arched his brows. “Who told you that?”

I beamed. “I have my secret sources in the Diamond Syndicate, and will not reveal them.”

Chuckling, Dima lead me to the car.

When we came close, his chauffer opened the door.

Dima stopped us next to it. “So, Banks told you.”

I widened my eyes. “No.”

“You’re a shitty liar and Banks is incapable of keeping his mouth closed around beautiful women.”

“I will never reveal my sources.” I climbed into his car.

He followed. “It doesn’t matter anyway. Banks isn’t guarding you anymore.”

His chaffer shut the door.

I frowned. “Why isn’t Banks guarding me?”

“He’s from the South.”

“I’m aware of that.”

“You’re now from the North.”

“I’m not from Paradise at all.”

“When you’re in my bed, you represent the North.”

“And when I’m not in your bed?”

“There is no moment where you should be out of it.”

I grinned. “I’m being serious, Dima. Why won’t Sid and Banks be guarding me? And what about the twins?”

Dima gazed at me in disgust. “Marcelo, had the twins around you?”

“Is that a problem?”

“I’m giving you a new set of guards.” He placed his arm over my shoulder and tenderly pulled me against him. “I don’t believe the South can protect you properly.”

I enjoyed the comfort of his hard body. “Why not?”

“They let you go out on a date.”

I shook my head. “I see we still have a lot to discuss when it comes to healthy boundaries.”

The chauffer started the car and drove us away from the West’s downtown section—a circle of designer retail stores, ultra-luxurious boutiques, and Michelin stared restaurants.

The journey was relaxing. Besides writing some notes in his small pad, Dima remained silent throughout the ride. I didn’t mind because he held me the whole time.

This was a crazy few weeks.

I gazed out the window at a sparkling Paradise, lit up under the dark night sky.

And this is a crazy city.

When we left Diamond Way, I thought we would be heading toward Caviar Lime Highway. Instead, we sped down Luxury Road.

High end boutiques sped by us.

Shocked, I asked, “You live in the West?”

“I do. Less than five minutes away from you actually.”

“Why aren’t you in the North?”

“The West has the most luxury.”

I could understand that. From my research on Paradise, the West was soon becoming one of the world’s most exclusive luxury destinations. Many of my neighbors represented top CEOs of international companies.

“Plus, I enjoyed being near Romeo.” His expression went sad. He turned and looked out of his window.

I hate that he had to lose his friends.

I returned to staring out of mine, but placed my hand over his letting him know that I would be there for him as much as he needed me too.

We passed my street—Gold Boulevard.

Fascinated, I checked out this part of Luxury Road that I had not ventured down yet.

We stopped at the red light for Platinum Row. A dark shoreline greeted us. This was as far West as one could go in Paradise without driving right into the ocean.

When the light turned green, we turned right.

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