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DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas)

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“Who said that?” I scanned the space, searching for the voice.

People packed the place, dressed in shimmering clothes. No one made a sound. They just stared at Rose.

“No! Don’t look at her!” I rose from my throne, took off my black velvet cape, and tried to cover her. As soon as I placed the thick long fabric over her, she disappeared. The cape fell flat to the floor.

Terrified, I searched around. “Rose?”

Everyone started laughing as if her vanishing was an intentional magic trick to entertain them.

I roared, “Shut up!”

“Do it again, King Dima!”

“Shut up!”

“Make her disappear! Make her disappear!” They laughed even more. Some clapped. Others jumped up and down chuckling.

“Rose, come back!”

A sudden movement woke me out of my dream.

Good. That wasn’t real.

Half in and out of consciousness, I didn’t open my eyes. Rose’s natural fragrance surrounded me.

Thank God.

A dark groan escaped me.

The movement came again. I reached out and grabbed her curvy frame.

She chuckled. “Did I wake you?”

“I’m glad you did. It was a bad dream.” Still keeping my eyes shut, I pulled her closer to me, turned her body around, and nuzzled my chin between her soft breasts. I held her close, and my body awakened with desire. “How long have you been up?”

“Ten minutes or so. Edwin checked on us.”

Frowning, I opened my eyes. “So, he woke you?”

A sweet smile spread across her beautiful face. “I would have gotten up eventually.”


“You better not bother him.”

“What time is it anyway?” Yawning, I let go of her, rolled over, and picked up my phone. “10:00a.m. How did that happen?”

“You were tired.”

“Still, I’m to get up at 8:00am every day. Be showered and dressed by 8:30, and eating my breakfast on the balcony at 9:00am.”


“I love my rituals. They keep me grounded.”

“Well, tomorrow you can do it. Today, I’m glad you got your rest.”

I returned my attention to holding her. “Are you ready for breakfast? Is that why Edwin peeked in? He also knows I’m a stickler for my routine.”

“Breakfast at 9:00 am on the balcony?”

“And facing the ocean. Two eggs, half of a bagel with jelly. No butter. Strawberries and bananas cut an inch thick and on the side. I don’t want my fruit in a small bowl. Too much separation. The fruit should be on the plate, just not touching the eggs or bagel.”

“Can the eggs touch the bagel?”

I frowned.

Her smile widened. “Nothing can touch?”

“Not one thing.”

“Oh.” She widened her eyes. “That’s what you meant last night, when you were talking about you didn’t mind the caviar and fruit touching during sex.”

“Correct. I learned that when the food is smeared all over your naked body and I’m fucking you from behind, I don’t mind the food touching at all. In fact. . .” I gave her a wicked smile. “I may ask Edwin to add buckets of caviar to my dinner from now on.”

“So, you can just dump it all over my naked body?”

“Correct.” I landed a soft kiss on her lips.

Minutes later, we left my bedroom in our robes and holding hands.

My maid, Cara giggled as she hurried by us. “Good morning, sir. . .and ma’am.”

I nodded.

“Good morning.” Rose glanced over her shoulder as Cara rushed into my bedroom. “What’s so funny?”

“I don’t know. She’s been laughing a lot these past days. It started when she spotted me reading romances.”


I led Rose through the living room and gestured to her blue suitcases. “You can change after we eat. I made sure your clothes were packed and brought here.”

“What?” Rose stopped and looked at the five cases. “Hold on. These are actually my bags from my condo.”

I smiled. “Correct.”

Rose let go of my hand. “Why is my stuff here? Who packed? Wait. Who went into my condo?”

“They’re newly assigned men. I’m still learning their names.”

“Dima, you have people go into my place and. . .” She stopped speaking as Barbara Whiskers crept from behind one suitcase, trotted over to me, and rubbed against the bottom of my robe. “Why is my cat here?”

“I assumed she would be lonely without you these days.”

“Days?” She raised her hands in the air. “Wait a minute.”

“We discussed this last night. You’re staying with me for a few weeks. You’re giving me peace through a rough storm.”

“Dima, we never clarified the—”

“My cock clarified.”

She blinked. “Fine, but I didn’t tell you to have a bunch of people invade my privacy and move my cat around.”

I wanted to pet Barbara Whiskers. She purred and rubbed against my leg. However, I’d learned about moments like this when dealing with my mother. It was always best to stand still and keep quiet when a woman sounded annoyed.

So, I stood there and watched her.

She raised her eyebrows. “What?”

“Are you done?”

“Do I need to say more?”

I’m not sure.

I waited another minute and then risked it. “Perhaps, I acted too quickly.”

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