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Steal the Wind (Godstone Saga 1)

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Caelan clenched his teeth at his own thoughts. They were bitter and ugly. Why did he even feel anything with regard to her any longer? It didn’t make sense when he knew he was just another pawn for her to push around the chess board.

Maybe it was the interruption. One night. He’d wanted one night off. One. The seemingly endless wars started by New Rosanthe had put him in constant meetings with diplomats and dignitaries from the other kingdoms. And when he wasn’t in meetings, he was making appearances at hospital openings and charities. Always smiling and waving and reassuring the world that the strength of the Talos line would keep them safe.

As the prince of Erya and the only heir to the Talos line, most of his duties were currently ceremonial in nature, but they still kept him busy. The only enjoyable bits were when he was sent on regular training missions with Eno and the hunters, but those had become too few recently. The queen was determined to keep him close to the palace and stuck in the royal capital of Stormbreak Point.

And Caelan was chafing.

His future stretched out in front of him to the far horizon with no twists and turns. There was no room for exploration, adventure, or even mishap. Everything had been planned for him and would happen as it had happened for the long line of kings who had preceded him.

Queen Amara Talos had sat on the throne of Erya for more than thirty years, and Caelan was sure his mother still had at least another twenty to thirty years ahead of her. During that time, she would continue to control him, manipulating his need to live up to the honor of his family line as well as his desire to do what was best for his people.

When she passed, Caelan would claim the throne and not move from it until his death. There would be treaties, trade agreements, and holidays. Monotony.

There had to be more for him than this fate that was slowly winding around his throat and threatening to choke the life from his body. He wanted to explore the world and experience new things for as long as he possibly could. Even if he had to occasionally do it while in disguise.

He’d presented his case to the queen just once, argued that he’d be a better ruler if he saw more of the world, but she’d seen right through him and had immediately tightened her grip by reminding him that he was the last and only heir of the Talos line. The last defender of Erya. If he died on his little adventure, what would become of their people?

So, Caelan balled up his frustration and restlessness, burying it deep down in the pit of his stomach. Maybe once he was king and an heir was secured, he could see more of Thia at last.

“There’s a car waiting just around the corner,” Rayne directed.

Caelan didn’t bother to swallow his weary sigh. “We’re only six blocks from the palace. Can’t we just walk? It’s a nice night.”

“The queen has been kept waiting long enough,” Rayne said stiffly. His eyes shifted from left to right behind his wire-rimmed glasses, not missing a single thing as they briskly walked.

Caelan had met Rayne about the same time that Eno had entered his life. He was beyond questioning whether the meeting had been arranged or not. Most people Caelan knew had been previously screened, approved, and scheduled to be placed in Caelan’s path. The only one who didn’t feel orchestrated was Drayce, but then as far as Caelan knew, Drayce didn’t have a job.

Eno was Caelan’s personal bodyguard, though it was a relief they’d become friends over the years.

And Rayne had clearly been selected to serve as his advisor. The man possessed a brilliantly sharp mind that not only contained vast amounts of information but allowed him to analyze a situation quickly and spit out solutions in record time.

As they turned the corner, a black sedan with tinted windows was sitting across the street. The damn thing was parked illegally, but everyone seemed to be looking the other way as the driver in a dark suit with a very obvious bulge in his jacket waited beside the driver-side door for his passengers. While the car was rather innocuous, everything about it screamed that it was from the royal palace.

Caelan sighed loudly again. So much for a night off from being him.

“How did you even find me? Eno swore he wasn’t going to tattle on us,” Caelan demanded as the driver opened the rear door.

“I had you chipped with a tracking beacon,” Rayne said without inflection.

Caelan halted sharply, one foot inside the car and one hand on the roof for balance as his head swung back to glare at Rayne.

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