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Steal the Wind (Godstone Saga 1)

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Besides, he’d had enough to worry about when it came to politics and running the kingdom when his mother was ready to hand off the reins. For the past few years, his main concern had been the threat of the Empire…and well, being attracted to his best friend. He hadn’t given much thought to dating. His free time had been happily devoted to hanging out with Drayce. It hadn’t been bad to have Rayne and Eno around as well.

“I’ve been busy. Haven’t given it much thought. What about you?”

“What about me?” Drayce repeated, instantly sounding defensive.

“Have you dated someone?”

Drayce laughed. “Do you seriously think I could date someone, and you not know about it? I totally tell you everything.”

“Yeah, that’s true,” Caelan muttered under his breath. Sometimes Drayce overshared, but it was part of his charm. He left Caelan feeling like he had no secrets, and it was nice to be able to trust someone so completely. “But what about that blond woman from the bar? The one who always wears the pink shoes. I’ve seen you talking to her a few times. You’ve not asked her out on a date?”

“Nah. She’s nice and all, but I don’t think she’s my type.”

Caelan chuckled. “I doubt you even know what your type is.” Drayce made a noise that Caelan wasn’t quite sure how to interpret, so he pressed on. “Why don’t you date? Is it because of me?” Caelan winced. He hadn’t quite meant it the way it had sounded. “I mean, because people know you’re friends with me. Does knowing me make dating difficult?”

“No, it’s not you. I can naturally sort through the people who are using me to get closer to you. That’s nothing. I just don’t have any interest in dating. We’re having too much fun, right?” Drayce paused and cleared his throat. “Well, not right now so much, but usually.”

Caelan’s voice dropped to a whisper. “Do you regret it?”

“Regret what?”

He sort of rolled against Drayce’s shoulder to face him, but Drayce moved at the same time, knocking him off-balance. Caelan caught himself by bracing his hand on Drayce’s chest. Heat crawled through his cheeks as he stared at his friend while practically lying on top of him. His mind flashed to a few days ago when they’d been wrestling in the tent, to the wonderful feel of Drayce’s body pressing down on his own.

“Regret what?” Drayce repeated in a rough voice. He gripped Caelan’s shoulder to hold him steady, but Caelan was now wrapped in Drayce’s arms, and it was the best thing in the world. What were they talking about? Oh right, Caelan ruining his life.

“Regret being my friend. Regret knowing me.”

Drayce’s smile was so slow and warm, Caelan could feel the force of it ripple all the way to his toes. “When it comes to you, there is nothing I regret. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me, and it always will be.”

Caelan believed him. Despite everything that happened, Drayce still believed in him. His friend still wanted to be around him. Warmth flooded through him, and Caelan didn’t care if the world’s goofiest grin was spreading across his lips. It was almost like being drunk. Drayce liked him, even if it was only as a friend.

So, was it wrong that he found himself wanting more? Should he even dare to be so greedy as to want a kiss? They were so close now that he could feel a puff of Drayce’s breath across his lips. His gaze dropped as his friend’s mouth opened and the tip of his tongue darted out to wet his plush bottom lip. His heart sped up, and it felt like a thousand condors were trying to take flight in his stomach. Would Drayce regret a kiss?

The hand gripping his shoulder tightened slightly, seeming to pull him in just a bit, gathering him close. Caelan tilted his head up toward Drayce. So close.

Behind him, someone cleared their throat. Caelan jerked away from Drayce, sitting up on the bench to stare through the bars. On the other side, Rayne glared back at him, but there was a lift to one brow as if questioning the interesting position he’d discovered him and Drayce in. Lovely. Just fucking lovely.

Oh, it was great that Rayne had discovered them, and it didn’t look like he was under arrest by the way the military was standing with him, but could they have waited five more minutes? When was he going to get another chance to maybe kiss his best friend? He’d waited years for this moment—and yeah, he’d never imagined it happening in a fucking jail—but he still didn’t want it to slip away.

He shifted uncomfortably as his ill-timed hard-on pressed against the front of his pants. At least his T-shirt was long enough to cover it. He glanced over at Drayce to find him a little red cheeked, but still grinning like a loon. Did he realize what had nearly happened? Or was he amused that Rayne was now giving them the evil eye?

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