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Captivated (Deep in Your Veins 6)

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“I figured you’d want to know what just went down at the movie theatre.” Stuart set his fists on his hips. “It’s Lexi.”

I was out of my seat in an instant. “What about her?”

“Castor pulled another stunt. She’s okay,” Stuart hurried to add, raising one hand. “He didn’t hurt her, though he did grab her by the throat—”

My blood boiling, I didn’t hang around to hear more. I rushed out of the apartment in vampiric speed and headed right for the movie theatre.



Rage a live wire inside me, I skidded to a halt in front of Castor, who was tangled in ooze and being dragged along the floor of one of the theatre’s dark hallways by Denny.

“Where’s Lexi?” I asked, my tone clipped, aware that Harvey, Stuart, Chico, and Reuben had fanned out behind me.

“David walked her and Maisy home,” replied Denny.

Harvey appeared at my side. “Maisy was involved?”

Denny shook his head. “She was just here to see a movie with Lexi. They’re both fine.”

I flexed my fingers, glaring at Castor even as I asked Denny, “What the fuck happened here?” My voice sounded like crushed rock.

“According to Lexi, Castor basically blamed her for the punishment he received, wouldn’t let her walk away, and then called her a whore for sleeping with you. He also grabbed her by the throat.”

A growl rattling my chest, I towered over the motherfucker, balling up my hands. “You called her a whore?” The question was calm. Soft. Low. Menacing.

“She slapped me!” the asshole insisted, curling in on himself.

Denny snorted. “No, she didn’t. But I think she’s right in believing that you wanted her to do it so she’d receive a punishment like you did. It would explain why you did your best to provoke her.”

“Not just provoke her,” I said, still glaring at Castor. “Scare her. You get off on intimidating women? On grabbing them? Because that’s fucking twice you’ve touched her. Once was one time too many.”

Castor fruitlessly struggled against the ooze. “Protective of her, are you?” He let out a derisive sound. “Women are good at messing with a man’s mind and making him irrational. Take you, for example. You are taking the side of a human over one of your own kind.” A smirk crept onto his face. “But I doubt you would have done so if she hadn’t spread her thighs for you. Was she good? I would think not. Humans are far too delicate to be much fun.” His smirk faded when I didn’t react.

“I see what you’re doing,” I told him. “You want me to challenge you to a duel so that Denny would have to release you. You think it’s your best chance of escape.” I gave a slow shake of the head. “I’m not inclined to give you a single thing that you want.”

Castor’s eyes flickered. “I will not return to a cell.”

“You’re right, you won’t.” I briefly tipped my head to the side. “At least not yet.”

Castor tried edging backwards on his elbows only to bump into Stuart, who’d made his way behind him.

My jaw hard, I closed the distance between us in one fluid stride and yanked Castor up off the floor. “You should have stayed away from Lexi. You definitely shouldn’t have touched or insulted her. You shouldn’t have even made the mistake of breathing her air. In sum, you brought this shit on yourself.” I slammed my fist into his jaw.


My head snapped up at the hard knock on my front door. I wondered if Sam and Jared had returned to the island and now wished to question me about what happened with Castor. Probably.

Leaving my mug of hot chocolate on the kitchen island, I slid off my stool and padded through my apartment. Reaching the front door, I pulled it open. My pulse leapt at the sight of Damien, his hands plastered on the wall either side of my doorway. Instantly, the air snapped taut and something flared between us that caused my stomach to flip.

“Hey,” he said simply.

I cleared my throat. “Hi.”

“I wanted to check on you.” He glanced over my shoulder. “Can I come in?”

Considering the chemistry between us was still as strong as ever, that didn’t seem wise. And yet, I found myself opening the door wide. “Sure.”

My heartbeat stuttered when he brushed past me as he stepped inside. If my body could just calm the fuck down and not be so easy for him, that would be great. I closed the door and folded my arms. “I take it you heard about what happened at the theatre.”

A muscle ticked in his cheek. “I heard. Stuart gave me a heads-up. You were gone by the time I got there. Denny assured me you were fine, but I wanted to see that for myself.”

I was genuinely surprised that Damien had bothered to get involved. Then again, he was part of Sam and Jared’s squad, so he no doubt made this kind of stuff his business. “I really am okay.”

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