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Mr. Big Shot (Mr. Big 1)

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I'd make sure I asked her all about her thesis and what she was planning to do with her PhD when she finished it. I wasn't a total ignoramus when it came to women.

I'd been engaged to and ready to marry one.

Scratch that – I was a total ignoramus when it came to women, at least when it came to judging whether they were faithful. I thought Jenna was faithful, but I was wrong.

I wouldn't make that mistake again.

* * *

I went home and took a shower then packed my bag, throwing in a few pairs of swimming trunks and some clean boxer briefs, my golf hat, a Hawaiian shirt and some Bermuda shorts. I packed my shaving kit, and then added in a few condoms – on the off chance that Alexa changed her mind. I wanted to be prepared for all eventualities.

After I dressed in some jeans and a clean button down white shirt, I went to pick her up.

On the drive there, I was hopeful that we'd have a fun weekend, despite putting on a show. We enjoyed each other's company – I was sure of that much. I think if I could close my eyes and just listen to her talk, or if we kept it to texts, we could be great friends. I enjoyed her playful banter and of course, she was smart. Smarter than most guys I knew.

It was just that she was so damn sexy…

Buck up, soldier.

I'd have to be a perfect gentleman with her this weekend. No pushing myself on her. Let her come to me if she decided she wanted some…

* * *

I arrived at her apartment block and waited on the street, double parking while I texted her that I was outside. The sun was still high in the sky despite the hour, and the air was warm for September.

LUKE: Your knight in shining black armor awaits, m'lady.

ALEXA: Be right there.

About three minutes later, she appeared outside the door to her building, looking like a movie star in her white sundress with brightly colored flowers, a pair of sandals and a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. I hopped out of the car and helped her with her bag. She got in the passenger side when I opened the door and I threw her bag in the back beside mine.

I got back in the car and turned to look at her.

She was perfect. Everything – her hair, her dress, her sandals… she was the perfect date for a weekend at my family beach house.

"You look fantastic," I said and smiled.

"Thank you." She looked at me over her sunglasses, a grin on her lips. "You're not so bad yourself."

"We aim to please."

I drove off once she had her seatbelt fastened, surprised at how much I was looking forward to this weekend. Usually, I'd only tolerate things at my family's beach house, trying to wear headphones to keep from talking to people, even though they'd inevitably interrupt and try to make conversation. Sometimes, I'd bring work and sit at the table on the patio and hold my cell to my ear, shrugging to make it look like I was busy conducting business so I could dodge any conversations with people I would rather avoid.

This weekend, I was honestly looking forward to walking around the grounds with Alexa at my side, using her as a shield from having to do much socializing. I'd ensure that we pretended to be deeply involved in each other, and hope that if we kept to ourselves, they'd leave us alone. Surely, Mrs. Blake would finally get the idea finally that I was not interested in her daughter. With John there, I could relax and hope that she was pleased with the chance of matching her daughter up with him instead.

"What am I in for this weekend?" Alexa glanced at me as we took the freeway on the way to Westhampton.

"Fun, sun and lots of prying questions from my family. The usual."

"How much do I tell them about us?"

"Wing it," I said. "If they ask about Jenna, just say that I don't talk much about her, and that you feel it's better that way."

"Are you going to tell me about Jenna?"

I shook my head. "I don’t talk much about her. It's better that way. Suffice to say she betrayed me. That's really all you need to know."


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