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Mr. Big Love (Mr. Big 2)

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"I'm teaching my seminar this afternoon from two until five, so I can't be there."

"No problem. I'll let Luke know. He should be home by supper, if all goes well."

"Why wouldn't it go well?" I asked. "What could go wrong?"

"I don't anticipate anything at the moment, as long as both men admit what they did was stupid and agree to not bother each other again, the judge will likely dismiss the charges and let them go."

"Luke's really cool-headed usually," I said. "I don't see Eric wanting to argue or anything."

"Hopefully, you'll see Luke tonight and that will be the end of it."

"Thanks for calling," I said. "Give my love to Luke."

"I will," Peter said and we ended the call.

I checked my messages and saw one from Dana.

DANA: What have you heard? Eric's attorney just called me. Looks like the charges will be dismissed.

ALEXA: Let's hope. Luke's attorney said the arraignment is this afternoon so they should both be back by supper.

DANA: Eric won't be. I've hired a mover to come and pick up all his stuff and take it to a storage facility. He can stay at the Lowell Hotel until he finds his own place.

ALEXA: I'm so sorry, Dana.

DANA: It was going to happen sooner or later. I'll get my best friend to come and stay with me for a while. I've got a nanny who comes in a couple of times a week to take James so I can sleep or go out, but maybe I'll hire a housekeeper, too. I'll need all the help I can get.

ALEXA: Yes, you will. If you need anything from either Luke or me, don't hesitate to ask. I know Luke will be glad to help out.

DANA: I know he will. He's the best.

ALEXA: He is.

DANA: I just wish he would have told me before confronting Eric.

ALEXA: He wanted to be sure he was really cheating and there wasn't some innocent explanation.

DANA: There's an innocent explanation for being in town when he was supposed to be in Chicago? For being at a hotel with some young woman?

ALEXA: Accusing someone of cheating is a serious issue. He didn't want to accuse Eric wrongly.

DANA: I know. I'm just sorry all this happened.

ALEXA: Let me know how things go. Luke and I will come by on the weekend and spend some time with you and the baby.

DANA: I'll look forward to it. Maybe we could order in some food and just spend time on the patio.

ALEXA: Sounds good. I'll be thinking of you and little James.

DANA: Thanks, Sis. I'm lucky to have you.

I smiled as I put my cell away, thinking of poor Dana with her baby in her arms, overseeing the movers boxing up Eric's possessions. She was a lot more in control than I would have been, but I guess she was prepared for Eric to have cheated on her again, even if only in the back of her mind. When she learned he had cheated, she was angry rather than heartbroken, as I would have been if it had been me and Luke.

Just the thought of Luke cheating made me feel sick to my stomach and I realized I was seriously in love with him.

I spent the day on campus, attending my morning class and then teaching my afternoon seminar, but I let my students go early so I could take the limo to the courthouse where Luke and Eric would have their preliminary hearings. When I arrived, I went through the security check and found my way to the courtroom where Peter had indicated Luke would be appearing and sat in the back.

There weren't many people in court at that time and I was glad. There was a delay in the proceedings and finally, the door in the side of the courtroom opened and Luke was led in by a uniformed court worker. He faced the judge with Peter beside him as well as someone else who I assumed was the prosecutor. The prosecutor spoke about the case, describing the events and then came the words Peter said we would likely hear — the prosecutor recommended to the judge that the charges should be dropped. Case adjourned. Luke would be released without charges and was free to go.

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