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Mr. Big Daddy (Mr. Big 3)

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To remedy that, she started to pump her breastmilk so I could spell her off and give Leif a bottle. We decided not to worry about 'nipple confusion'. Most of the time, if Leif was hungry, he'd get the breast first, but then I would give him the rest from a bottle a couple of times during the day and once at night. That kept Alexa's milk flowing and gave me a chance to spell her off and feel a part of the whole business. I changed diapers, dressed him in clean onesies, and generally carried him around as much as possible.

It was nice to get outside and breath in fresh air after being ensconced in the house for the past month.

We didn't even have to think about Blaine anymore since police were able to trace him using local security cameras, and had arrested him and were building a case against him for attempted murder in Candace's case. It lifted a burden off both our minds and we felt that we could finally enjoy the beach house without worry that he was lurking around, waiting for the chance to attack one of us -- or Leif.

I was still not doing much work, and planned on keeping it that way for the next five months. Astra Investments could get by without my input, and if there was anything really big that needed a decision, John promised to call and only keep me busy for less than an hour. Everything else,

he would take care of himself.

So, our little family became acquainted with each other and with the new rhythm of our lives.

"You never let me carry him," Alexa said, mock pouting as we walked hand in hand back to the house.

"You hold him every couple of hours to nurse. I need my Daddy time. I want our bond to be just as strong as yours."

"It will be," Alexa said. "If you want it to be, you'll do what it takes."

"I do," I said and sighed, thinking of my own biological father and how I missed him so terribly after he and my mother had been killed in the accident when Dana and I were eight. "I'll do everything in my power to make it so."

Alexa smiled and said nothing as we took up the walkway up to the house. The guard on duty, Christopher, greeted us as we arrived at the back porch. We no longer needed him to follow us wherever we went, whether it was a walk on the beach or a trip into town. Instead, he was merely in charge of security and monitoring the property. We decided to keep it that way just in case Eric still wanted revenge, but at least we no longer had to worry about Blaine.

In the Snugli, Leif was starting to grouse, his little snorts and the fact he sucking hard on his fist meant he was hungry.

Alexa sat on a lawn chair under the canopy and began to unbutton her blouse.

"Time to feed him," she said.

I lifted Leif out of the Snugli and bent down, handing him to her. She had him latched on and feeding within a minute, sighing happily as he calmed.

I sat on the chair next to hers and was just starting to relax when Mrs. Dixon came out onto the patio.

She placed a hand on each of our shoulders and squeezed.

"You two have a nice walk?"

"We did," Alexa said. "I hope it clears up soon."

"It's supposed to later this afternoon. Your father will be here soon, and yours as well, Luke. I'm sure we'd all love to have supper on the patio. How does a barbecue sound to you?"

"Sounds fantastic," I said, glad to have the entire family out for the weekend. "We’re going to have a full house, so I hope you have enough food. Dana and James will be here soon. John and Felicia are coming for the night, as is Candace. "

"It'll be a real party," she replied. "Don't you two worry about a thing. I've got everything under control."

"Thanks, Mom," I said, and went to her, giving her a kiss and hug. "You've been a godsend since we got home."

"That's what mothers-in-law are for," she said happily.

Of course, that didn't apply to my mother, who still hadn't come around, despite the birth of her second grandson.

I hoped that one day she would mellow, but I didn't plan on holding my breath. She had really hurt Alexa by releasing those videos, and I didn't intend to forgive her without a real show of contrition, but if she did, I knew that we would welcome her back.

I believed in redemption.

So, while Mrs. Dixon busied herself in the kitchen, getting things ready for our barbecue, we were able to welcome our guests for the night. One by one, they arrived, and I showed them to their rooms and got them drinks.

By the time my father arrived, there were nine of us, including Candace's boyfriend, Nate, who she'd been seeing since before Leif was born. We sat around the large table, the patio lanterns lit and adding a festive feel to the setting. I sat at the head of the table, Leif in my arms while I finished my beer, and felt incredibly thankful that I made one tiny mistake that fateful night almost two years earlier and sent off the email that would change my life.

There were still a lot of uncertainties in our lives: what would happen to Blaine, whether Eric would stop his vendetta, and how Alexa's next year in her PhD would go, or whether the partnership with Seneca would pan out as we hoped, but one thing was certain.

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