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Drake Forever (Unrestrained 7)

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I smiled to myself, glad that he was feeling better and that I could now go home to him and Sophia. It seemed like the worst was, if not over, at least closer to being over, so it had to get better from this point forward.

At least, that was my hope...


The day I was scheduled to give my testimony started off well, but went downhill almost immediately.

I was woken by the sunlight streaming into our bedroom. Glancing at my watch, I saw it was already nine, which meant I had a few hours to relax and get ready for the afternoon when I would head down to the courthouse and give my testimony. I rolled over and saw Kate was already up. She must have woken when Sophie did and had already taken her downstairs.

I got up and had a quick shower, then pulled on my sweats and t-shirt, before making my way downstairs to find them at the kitchen island. Kate was wearing her nightgown and slippers, a sweater pulled around her shoulders. She smiled when she saw me, and that smile and the emotion behind it made everything worthwhile -- all the publicity and assault on my character, closing down the foundation. I could take it for the rest of my life as long as I had her and Sophia.

Sophie was currently shoveling oatmeal into her mouth, her tiny fist clamped tightly around her baby spoon. She smiled as well when she saw me, her eyes crinkling, her cheeks rosy.

"Good morning to my two girls," I said and bent down to kiss Sophie and then I went to Kate and pulled her into my arms for a warm hug and kiss.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Kate replied, a spatula in her hand. She was making scrambled eggs, and I saw a few slices of bacon in the pan. "I have some breakfast ready for you. Toast's in the oven staying warm.

"Have you eaten?"

"No," she said and stirred the eggs around in the pan. "I've had my coffee but I wanted to wait for you to eat. Have a seat."

I did, sitting beside Sophie, who kept feeding herself, her long golden brown curls tied up with a bow, making her look like a doll. A doll with oatmeal on her face. I grabbed a napkin off the counter and wiped her chin.

"How are you feeling today?" Kate asked, placing a plate of food in front of me. "Are you up for your testimony today?"

I shrugged. "I'm feeling fine, if that's what you mean. Don't know if I'm up for it or not. I'd rather do anything other than showing up at the courthouse, to be honest. Walk across hot stones, run the gauntlet at West Point, scale the mountains at Machu Pichu. But I'll do it."

She brought her own plate of food over and sat beside me, spreading a napkin onto her lap and digging into her eggs. "Just keep telling yourself that it'll be thirty minutes and then it's over. Finished. You can put this whole episode behind you."

"Onward and upward?"

"Exactly," she replied and held up her glass of juice. "To the end of the trial and us forgetting all about Lisa Monroe and her murderous ways."

"I'll drink to that."

We clinked juice glasses.

The three of us sat eating our breakfasts, enjoying the morning. Kate and I talked about our trip to Nassau and the logistics of getting Ethan there. He'd need a wheelchair-accessible suite of rooms on the main floor if possible.

"I'll call later and reserve rooms for us. I guess Heath has already done so. Do you think Liam will be able to come, too? I bet he'd love to go scuba diving."

"I'm going to start the delicate negotiations with Maureen as soon as I'm finished with my testimony. I don't see how she can refuse, unless she's already arranged for him to come to Kuala Lumpur for the holiday. If so, I really can't ask for him to come with us. He only sees his mother on holidays."

Kate reached over and squeezed my hand. "I know. It will still be disappointing. He's at Brenda's all week every week. You only get to see him occasionally."

"Chris and Maureen are the only parents he's ever known. Being with them is important. I can't complain."

I decided to call Brenda first, and see what was planned for Liam over the holidays. I dialed her number while Kate refilled my coffee mug.

"Hey, Drake," Brenda said when she answered the phone. "How are you? Sorry to hear about the attack. It was shocking to watch on the news."

"I'm better. I've been taking it easy for the past ten days, but I have to give my testimony today at the trial. After that, I'm done with the whole business."

"That's good. What's up?"

"I was wondering what Liam is doing over the Thanksgiving holiday. I'd like to take him to Nassau with us if he's free."

There was a pause on the other end of the line.

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