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Drake Forever (Unrestrained 7)

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"Me as well."

We kissed and then Drake turned over onto his side and I spooned in behind him, one arm around his waist.

The fact he didn't bring up Michael's offer stung a little bit, but I was sure Drake had a good reason. After forcing the issue out of my mind, I listened to his slow and steady breathing, and was thankful once again that I took a chance and went out with him that first night. It was with thoughts of the first trip to the Russian Tea Room that I fell asleep, Drake's body warm against me.


I spent a glorious day with Sophie while Kate attended court.

The three of us ate breakfast together and then Sophie and I said goodbye to Kate as she left the apartment for her journey to the New York Supreme Courthouse. She was dressed in her soccer mommy disguise, wearing a pair of fake glasses she'd bought one year as part of a costume for Halloween. She braided her hair and put on a toque, looking every inch a Millennial with her Doc Martens and parka. I wouldn't have recognized her if I saw her at a distance and I hoped that no reporter did either, because I knew she wouldn't want to have to talk to anyone on camera.

"Keep in touch. Let me know how things are going and if your cover is broken. Sophie and I will come and rescue you if that happens."

"I will," she said and kissed both me and Sophie. Sophie seemed amused to see her mom wearing reading glasses and tried to pull them off.

"No, no," Kate said. "Mommy need these for her disguise." Then Kate took them off and put on some Ray Bans.

"Call me," I said and held up my hand to mimic a cell to my ear. "I can come pick you up."

"No, that's okay. I want to take the subway. No one will recognize me in these. Besides, I want to feel part of the city again. John will follow me the whole way so I won't be alone."

"Okay. Try to enjoy yourself, or at least, quench your curiosity."

"I will," she said and then she seemed to stop for a moment, frowning a bit.

"What?" I asked, and waited before closing the door.

"Is everything all right?"

It was my turn to frown. "Of course," I said. "I feel fine, Kate. Really."

"Okay," she said with a sigh. "I'll be glad when this is all over."

"Me, too."

She left, waving goodbye and I watched her walk down the stairs.

Then it was just me and Sophie.

"Well, kiddo, it's you and me all day. Whatcha wanna do?"

"Momo!" she said and pointed to the television.


Her favorite movie. I practically had the dialogue memorized after watching it so often during the past few weeks.

"Okay, honey," I said and took her into the living room. I put her down on the carpet with her blankie and toys and slipped in the DVD. Soon, the opening credits were playing and she was bouncing up and down with excitement, her Tiny Town people in her hands.

I went to the kitchen and made some coffee and grabbed the New York Times. I proceeded to read the headlines while I enjoyed the sunshine in the kitchen. That was the way my morning went, with Sophie playing with her toys and watching Nemo. Around eleven, I remembered that I wanted to take Sophie over and see Ethan and Elaine for a visit. I called Ethan's number, checking my email while I waited.

"Hello, there, Drake," Ethan said, and from the tone of his voice, I could tell he sounded pleased to hear from me. "What's up with my favorite son in law?"

"Ha ha. That's faint praise since I'm your only son in law," I said with a laugh. "I'm fine. Much better."

"How's recovery from your concussion?"

"Almost all better. Headache's gone and I feel pretty much normal."

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