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Drake Forever (Unrestrained 7)

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I leaned forward and shook my head. "I like Debussy, so that makes me an even older codger," I managed to say in his ear.

It was too hard to hear each other talk so for the rest of the set, we just listened, enjoying the music and atmosphere and watching Drake and the guys perform.

When the set was over, we clapped with the rest of the audience and I turned to my parents, who seemed to really enjoy the music.

"How did you like it?" I asked Elaine. "You've never heard them before."

"They're darn good," she said, her eyebrows raised. "I had no idea what to expect. Drake has such a nice voice."

"He really does," I said.

"All the women in the crowd are probably wishing they were you," she added. "He looks like a rock star on the stage with those leather pants and that white shirt.

"They can't have him," I said with a laugh. "He's mine."

During the break, Drake came out and kissed me warmly. "So, how did we do?" he asked, glancing at my dad and Elaine. "Brit enough for you? I snuck in some Stones just for you, Ethan."

"First rate," my dad said. "You could have been a musician if you'd wanted, but it's a damn good thing you weren't, for your patients' sakes."

Drake knelt between my father and me, his arms around each of us. "I don't have any at the moment," he said with a heavy sigh. "Maybe next year once all this blows over."

My father frowned. "It shouldn't be like that. You should be judged on your skills and competence, not your private life. If you go to Southampton, you'll have lots of pediatric patients. Have you two decided yet?"

Drake turned to me, a sheepish expression on his face.

"You talked to both Lara and dad before me?" I asked, feeling a bit hurt.

"I wanted to feel him out before I brought it up with you."

"And what did you say, Daddy?" I glanced at him, watching his face.

"I told him it sounded like a perfect position for him, given his expertise in robotic surgery and given he wants to work in pediatric neurosurgery."

"But Drake's saying no," I said and shook my head. "It's too soon. We just got back and we decided that focusing on family is more important right now. Liam's here. You're here..."

"You two are most important right now," my dad said. "If your relationship doesn't come first, everything else falls apart. Think about it."

I frowned, but didn't say anything. Drake squeezed my shoulder.

"We decided to wait for another opportunity. One closer to home. This way, I'll get to negotiate with Maureen about spending time with Liam."

"You two have to do what's right for you," my father said.

And that was that.

I turned to look at Drake and he seemed perfectly fine with it. Drake nodded. "We have." He turned to me. "How are you enjoying the set?"

"I really liked the first song, personally," I said and smiled, glad that he seemed truly fine about not accepting the Southampton offer.

"Good. I better go and get ready. Thanks for coming tonight." He gave my dad's shoulder a squeeze and then leaned over and kissed Elaine on the cheek.

Then he leaned over to kiss me once more. "See you later." He gave me an intense look that said so much.

"See you," I replied, my stomach doing a little flip, wondering what he had in mind, but feeling a little sick to my stomach about the whole Southampton issue.

"Drake really loves you to turn down a plum position at the Southampton Children's Hospital, Kate."

I forced a smile I didn't feel all of a sudden. "He does."

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