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I wish I was sitting beside her on the plane right now, holding her hand as we take off.

I sit and stare out the window as the streets of Washington pass slowly by.

I get to the airport, swap my ticket for one leaving in a couple of hours, and spend the rest of my time sitting in Virgin's first class lounge, reading a copy of the Wall Street Journal and watching CNBC on the television screen.

JON: Any news about your mom?

INDIA: Nothing, but she has to have surgery to relieve the pressure.

JON: How are you holding up?

INDIA: I'm holding up. I think all my adrenaline ran out and now I feel like a rag doll. But I won't be able to sleep. I'll probably watch a movie or something to keep busy.

JON: Text me when you can. I'll drive to the hospital as soon as I get in.

I try to keep my mind occupied, and not think about India's mom, hoping that things are going well for her and they're able to prevent any lasting damage. India won't get to SF until after nine and then she'll probably go right to the hospital.

I try to keep occupied on the flight, glad that I upgraded to the first-class section, able to at least stretch my legs out and enjoy some decent food. I think of India cramped in economy, sitting beside people who have no sympathy for her. I hope she's able to distract herself as much as possible during the trip. She'll probably watch the inflight movie, but knowing her, she'll chew her fingernails down to the quick as she worries about her mom.

Much, much later, after we land in LAX for our one-hour stop, I get a text from India.

INDIA: Just called my dad. She's out of surgery but they're keeping her sedated. The doctor thinks that she has a pretty good chance of a full recovery, so it's just a matter of waiting to see how she does when they take her out of sedation.

JON: That's good news, at least. How's your dad holding up?

INDIA: He's really upset. He blames himself – he wanted to hire a painter but my mom insisted they could save money if she got up on the ladder and did it herself. He's afraid of heights and tried to stop her but she's very stubborn.

JON: Sounds like someone else I know…

There's a silence, and I feel bad for teasing her at a time like this, but I was teased mercilessly when I was growing up by my father and older brothers.

JON: I've always admired that in your mom – her independence. She's a trouper.

INDIA: She is. She's a top scholar in her field.

JON: I know. You got your brains from your mom and dad. And your dad says you got your beauty from him.

INDIA: I know. He's kidding, of course.

I think of

India's dad. He looks like Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber.

JON: He's great.

INDIA: I know. Oh, God, I don’t know what he'd do if anything happened to her. She's such a rock.

JON: She is.

INDIA: Gibraltar. He's lucky to have had her all these years. He admits that all the time. Says that without her, he would have likely smoked and drank himself into an early grave.

JON: They're really happy together.

INDIA: They are. *sigh*

JON: Keep strong. Your dad will need you.

INDIA: I wish you were with me.

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