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Accidental Witness (Morelli Family 1)

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“Are we going out somewhere to dinner?” I ask.

“Nope. This is just how Mateo likes things.”

I frown a little at that, but I don’t say anything.

Cherie starts to head back to the walk-in closet, but she slows to a stop near the door, and instead, she closes us both inside and turns back to me. “Can I give you some advice?”

“Of course,” I say, open to anything that might help me.

“It’s going to be an enormous adjustment, becoming a part of this family. I can see right now you don’t realize that, and there’s no reason you would, but as someone who’s grown up here, let me tell you… Everything you think you know about the world is wrong inside of these walls. This is Mateo’s kingdom. He rules it, and the men in this family rule over the women.”

I must look horrified, because her expression grows firmer.

“Balk all you want internally, but you’re better off if you don’t. Play nice with Mateo, and keep Vince happy. Survival is your new motivator. If you have to dress up for dinner so Mateo can admire his collection of dolls, just do it. If you possess any strong feminist values, let them go. You’ll be much happier if you submit. The world outside, the world you’re used to, is not your world anymore. Vince is your man, Mateo is your boss, and this is your home—but it’s their home, first. The more you fight, the less comfortable you’ll be. You will not always be treated with respect, you will damn sure not be treated like an equal, and on Sundays? The women of this house make dinner. Don’t make any other plans, because it’s mandatory. Vince is a good guy, probably the best in this family, but he was raised here, so he won’t be perfect. Right now, he’s feeling a bit burdened. If I were you, I’d try to make him more comfortable with the fact that he’s sort of stuck with you now. This life will be whatever you make it, and if you go in realistic, you’ll be able to make more out of it. If you fight at every turn, you’ll be miserable. I can’t imagine coming into this life from the outside, and if you ever need someone to talk to, you can talk to me. Preferably at school, or in a bathroom, because that’s the only place there are no cameras. Be very careful, because Mateo’s paranoia is not exaggerated.”

Opening the bathroom door without giving me a chance to respond, she says, “You look very pretty. Now I’ll show you to Vince’s room, so you can drop off your things.”

Vince is in his bedroom when we get there. Like Francesca’s, there’s a sitting area when you first walk in, but there’s no wall between that and the rest of the room. Vince’s bed is enormous—I guess a king, but it looks even bigger. His room is decorated in reds and blacks with pops of silver. Beyond the bed, he has a desk with a laptop and various items scattered across the top. In the far left corner, a black upholstered chair that faces the bed. Where Francesca’s walk-in closet was, Vince has a bathroom.

Cherie leaves right away to give us some privacy. Vince was lying back on his bed, staring at the ceiling when we came in, but now he’s sitting on the edge of the bed.

“These bedrooms are like apartments,” I tell him, managing a smile.

He still looks down in the dumps. With Cherie’s words fresh in my mind, I walk over to the bed, kick off my shoes and climb up behind him. Leaning in, I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

“Yeah, they’re not small,” he agrees, lightly touching my wrist.

“I’m sorry it’s been a rough day,” I tell him.

Laughing lightly, he looks at me over his shoulder. “It’s been far rougher for you.”

“Yeah, but I think we’re gonna be okay,” I say, wanting to stay positive. “I think the worst is over.”

“I think that’s inaccurate, but I’ll let you believe it as long as you’re able.”

I duck my head around his shoulder, kissing him on the cheek. “We get to sleep in the same bed tonight, and you don’t even have to break into my house to accomplish it,” I tease him.

“Look at you with the silver linings,” he says lightly. Then, reaching behind him, he topples me over his shoulder until I fall into his lap. He cradles me with his arm, winks, and leans in to kiss me. I wrap a hand around his neck to draw nearer, and at the same time, I feel his hand slide up my thigh. Wasting no time with teasing, he slides his fingers inside the fabric of my panties and pushes a finger inside me.

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