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Once Burned (Morelli Family 3)

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Mateo looks up, a flicker of victory flashing across his face before he can stop it. “Done.”

“A lot. Like… even for you, a lot.”

Mateo nods once more.

“And don’t ever buy Elise panties again,” I add, picking up my cup of coffee.

“What, you didn’t like them?” he asks innocently.

“Or flowers. None of that bullshit. You know I don’t have your pride issues, but don’t disrespect me.”

His amusement fades and he puts down his paper, giving me his full attention. “You know how much I respect you, Adrian.”

“I don’t like being the target of your games,” I inform him. “I realize no one does—except maybe Mia,” I add, rolling my eyes.

He smirks at this.

“But I don’t, and it’s hard enough to be on your side watching what you do to everyone else. Don’t start doing it to me, too. Our friendship has limits, and Elise is over the line. I’m not Vince; I won’t put up with what he has and continue to serve you.”

“I understand that. I don’t want Elise, you know that. She’s always been for you.”

I nod, accepting that. Logically I knew it was just a threat—but I also know he doesn’t make threats he won’t follow through with. Doesn’t mean he wants to, but if he makes a threat and you force him to deliver, he’ll do it, no matter the cost. Beth had the poor judgment to test him on that one.

Taking a breath and pushing it out, he steeples his hands on the table. “If you sign on to work for me, I want a commitment this time,” he finally says. “No freelancing. No contract.”

He wants forever. He wants to know I’m not going anywhere. Not so he can abuse me however he wants, like Vince, but so he knows he’ll never have to again.

I don’t ever want us to be enemies, so I agree with that. I’m still hesitant as hell about it, but after last night with Elise, the stakes are higher. She’s mine now, and that’s scary and exhilarating and a hell of a lot more responsibility. If I’m going to be working for Mateo again and going after Castellanos, I’m going to need better security on her than the apartment can provide.

I have to wrestle my own tongue to get my next words out. “It might be easiest if we stayed here until everything’s settled with Castellanos.”

Mateo nods in agreement. “Yes, I would’ve already suggested that, but I didn’t think you’d be of the same mind.”

“Someone tried to mug us last night.” His eyes briefly flash with alarm, but I shake my head. “Not one of his guys, just some unlucky asshole. But it could’ve been, and it’s different now, with Elise. I’ve never been real worried about it before, but…”

He nods his understanding, glancing off at nothing, probably recalling Meg’s shooting. “Yeah. I’ve considered bringing Vince and Mia back, just until it’s all over. I don’t think he’s important enough for them to go after, but once we start striking at their people—”

I interrupt, shaking my head. “Don’t do that.”

“It’d be for their safety.”

“It’d be for her safety,” I correct, holding his gaze.

Mateo rolls his eyes. “So I don’t want her to die—sue me,” he says, mockingly raising his hands in surrender.

“She’s Vince’s girlfriend, no one’s likely to go after her right now. It’s more dangerous for Mia if you give anybody the impression she’s important to you,” I point out.

“Not if she’s in my house,” he states. “I won’t let her leave.”

My eyes widen, hearing those words, even if he didn’t mean them that way. “Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of.”

He frowns in consternation, but seems to be considering my words. “Maybe I’ll split Colin between them. Meg can’t leave the house right now anyway.”

“Mateo…” I shake my head. “You said you were letting her go.”

“I did.”

“Then stop worrying about her. She’s Vince’s partner, not yours. If he’s worried about her safety, he’ll take care of it. You’ll only stomp all over his pride if you swoop in again and start overshadowing him.”

“I think Mia’s safety is slightly more important than Vince’s ego,” Mateo says, rolling his eyes.

“What would Meg think about this?” I ask, more because I want to see if it makes him look guilty than anything.

It doesn’t.

“Meg is equal parts ice and love—she loves Mia, so she’d be equally as concerned.”

I shake my head, pushing the oatmeal around my bowl. I’m filling up with Mateo’s problems again, and it’s not leaving much room for an appetite. “Tell me the truth, Mateo. Are you planning on taking her from him again?”

“No,” Mateo says, lifting his coffee cup and taking a sip. “Not planning on it.”

I’m uncomfortable with that second part. “No bullshit. Is this a problem I’m going to have to deal with again? Forget about me judging you; for practicality’s sake, I need to know.”

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