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Family Ties (Morelli Family 4)

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I finally settle on, “What are you up to tonight?”

It takes a few minutes, but he finally texts back, “Grabbing a beer with Ethan. How was dinner with the family?”

“Horrible. I wish I could see you.”

“Any chance you could sneak out?” he sends back. A moment later he adds, “Come to the bar. It’s empty and I’ll be leaving soon anyway. I can buy you a drink like old times,” he adds, with a wink.

Just the thought of seeing him makes me feel lighter, but I’m worried about taking that chance. I’m also so sick of my family tonight, I’m almost willing to risk attracting possible attention. Since I’m still dressed for dinner, I’m bar-ready, so I grab my purse, slip on more colorful heels, refresh my lipstick, and go to meet Sal.

I’m nervous about it all the way to the bar, but it turns out the place is about as empty as he said—literally three other people scattered around, then my handsome, perfect Salvatore off to the side with some dark-haired, broad-shouldered man with bright blue eyes. I grin, wrapping my arms around Sal from behind as I approach, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

He spins on his seat, grinning at me and catching me around the waist. He pulls me in and gives me a solid kiss that melts some of my anxiety away.

His companion offers me a friendly smile, offering his hand for me to shake. “Francesca, I presume.”

I reach across Sal to shake his hand. “And you must be Ethan. It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve been trying to convince this guy to introduce us for months.”

Smiling congenially, Ethan says, “If I would’ve known you were coming, I would’ve brought Willow.”

Sal’s arm is still wrapped possessively around my waist. Now I whack him in the shoulder. “See, I told you we could be couple friends.”

He grimaces. “Stop saying couple friends. It’s so creepy.”

“It’s not even a little bit creepy.”

“Couple friends are a normal part of domestic life,” Ethan agrees.

“See.” My eyes widen pointedly at Sal. “He gets it.”

Ethan nods, taking a sip from his beer bottle. “I used to have quite a few pairs of couple friends. Not so much anymore. Willow’s so much younger than me, we don’t really fit into the same friend groups.”

“My brother likes ‘em younger, too. Totally normal to me,” I assure him.

That makes him grimace for some reason. Sal grins, slapping him on the back. “Look at that, you and Mateo Morelli having shit in common.”

“I don’t like them younger, I just love Willow. And I’m confident he and I have nothing else in common,” Ethan replies.

“Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure,” Sal says, still smirking.

That’s right; he said Ethan doesn’t like my brother. I guess I can’t blame him. I don’t especially like him myself tonight.

“No Mateo talk,” I stipulate, climbing up on my bar stool. “Dinner was a disaster. He brought a leggy new distraction to live under our roof—this stupid new maid, Meg. I already don’t like her. She made Mia really uncomfortable tonight and I think she’s trying to ride her coattails. I don’t like it.”

“Meg what?” Sal questions.

I don’t immediately understand the question. “Her last name? I have no idea. Meg the Maid?”

He nods, taking a sip of his beer. My eyes narrow on him, since he looks like he’s holding onto something, and also because why would he ask what her last name is?

Ethan glances between us, then decides to bail Sal out before I can mention it. “But yeah, we should all get together some night, you can meet Willow. She doesn’t really miss couple friends because… well, she’s in college, so she’s never had them. But I kind of miss them.”

“He’s Mr. Suburbia,” Sal says, jerking a thumb in his direction. “If you’d have met him first, he could’ve been your commoner.”

“My commoner was blonde. And not married.” I flick a glance at Ethan. “No offense.”

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about, so none taken,” he says, easily enough.

“That’s true. Plus then I’d have to bump him up my hit list. I’d blow your fantasy all to hell.”

I grin. “Oh, I don’t know. There might still be a fantasy in there somewhere.”

He smiles, leaning over to give me another kiss. “I’ve missed you this weekend.”

“Me too. I hate vigilant Mateo. I feel like I can’t get away with anything. Hopefully the new maid will at least distract him for a few weeks and I’ll be able to slip away a little more. I assume that’s why she’s there anyway. Mia’s graduated now, starting college in the fall.”

Sal rolls his eyes. “Would you give it up already? Mia and Mateo are never going to happen.”

“You don’t know that,” I say, grabbing his ice water and taking a sip.

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