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Mason (Mail-Order Brides For Christmas)

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But by the evening, I’m going crazy. I’ve never been this way before, and it’s hard to navigate what’s the right way and wrong way to handle things. It’s after dinner, so it wouldn’t be completely absurd for me to take him a sandwich. Wouldn’t most wives do that for their husbands? I know my mom did for my dad all the time.

I make him a sandwich and put chips and fruit with it. I grab the bag and take a deep breath before stepping out onto the porch. The tattoo shop has two cars in the parking lot, so chances are he’s busy. I’ll just deliver the food, get to see him even if it’s only for a few minutes, and then come back home.

I walk through the front door of the tattoo shop, and the bell jingles announcing my arrival. A woman raises her head and looks at me. She doesn’t smile or seem remotely friendly as she looks me up and down. “So you’re her, huh?”

There’s blatant hostility in her voice, but I do my best to ignore it. “I’m sorry. We haven’t met, have we? I’m Mia... Mason’s wife.”

She curses. It’s muttered under her breath, but I can hear it all the same. “I’m Jessica, but you probably already know that. I’m sure Mason told you all about me.” She shakes her head. “So he went through with it, did he?”

I put one hand to my chest. Mason has never mentioned the name Jessica, but I don’t want to make her feel bad for it. But the way she’s talking, I’m wondering why Mason hadn’t mentioned her. I’m not used to dealing with people that obviously don’t like me, and I don’t know how to take her. Plus, she works with Mason. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what you mean.”

She shrugs. “I mean, it’s crazy that he was forced to marry you... all so him and his brothers could save Snow Valley. Are we back in the old days or what? I mean, it’s crazy, right? But at least he said there’s an out. You two won’t be stuck together forever.”

I start to panic. Is that what he’s telling people? That once he figures out a way to save Snow Valley, he’s going to divorce me? My breath comes quickly and shallow. My hand that’s not holding the bag clenches in a fist at my side. I feel flushed, nauseous, and on edge. When Jessica realizes that her words have bothered me, her smile gets even bigger. With a trembling hand, I hold up the bag of food. “I brought Mason dinner.”

She walks across the room. She’s slender with short hair and she has a hip look about her in her holey jeans and tight T-shirt. She looks to be my exact opposite. She grabs the bag from my hand. “Thanks. I’ll make sure he gets it. He’s in the middle of a tattoo, and he hates being disturbed.”

I nod and turn to leave. I don’t tell her bye or nice to meet her because I don’t want to lie to her.

I hightail it back over to the safety of our house. As soon as I walk in the door, I fall back against it and let the tears fall. I had so many hopes for this marriage before I even met Mason. After meeting him, it was like all my dreams were coming true. How could I have been so wrong?



I only worked around five hours. I went in later in the afternoon and worked into the evening, but I swear it felt like the longest shift of my life. All I could think about was Mia. I wondered what she was doing and if she was okay. I almost called her a few times to see if she wanted to come and sit for awhile, but I figured she probably needed a little space. We’d been with each other for more than a few days.

I walk through the front door of the house, and the lights are already out. I walk up the stairs and into the bedroom, letting out a breath when I see her lying on the bed. I had panicked for just a minute, wondering if she’d left or something.

I sit down on the chair facing the bed and start pulling my shoes off. I can’t take my eyes off her, and I watch her body move with each breath she takes. I know she’s awake, but she’s acting like she’s not.

“Mia,” I say softly into the dark room that is only lit by the moonlight peeking in through the window.

She doesn’t open her eyes. “Yes?”

“Are you awake?” I ask her dumbly.

“Yes. I’m awake,” she says. Her voice is thick, and something sounds off.

“Why didn’t you wait for me when you brought food? I would have liked to show you around.”

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