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The Bad Boy (Black Mountain)

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Alex grinned and tilted his head in a nod of acknowledgment. He’d been tight with Kash for the last four years, ever since they’d started their freshman year at BMU. They were both a little too wild, which meant they hit it off right away.

They moved to one of the rooms that wasn’t so congested and Kash leaned against the sofa, unscrewing the lid and taking a swig straight form the bottle.

“Fuck, dude, you look like you got your ass handed to you.”

Alex took the offered bottle and tipped it back to take a long swig. He hissed as the liquor stung his split lip, but he took another swallow.

“Yeah, well you should see the other guy.” Alex said as he wheezed through the burn of the liquor.

Kash chuckled and took the bottle back, taking a shot. Alex felt the alcohol start to burn its way through his veins, and his intoxication ramped up higher.

“Don’t you have practice at the ass crack of dawn tomorrow?” Kash set the bottle down on the small table beside the couch and crossed his big fucking tattooed arms over his chest. Alex swore the guy got bigger every time he saw him.

“Yeah, but it isn’t like I haven’t practiced hungover before.” They both chuckled, but then Kash’s attention was derailed. Alex looked over his shoulder to see a tiny blonde with big tits walking by.

“Damn, dude, she is smokin’.”

“Not my type,” Alex said.

Kash snorted. “Dude, anything with tits, an ass, and a pretty face is my type.”

Alex shook his head but smirked. “You gonna try hitting that? She keeps glancing your way so I’d say it may be a for sure thing.”

“Nah, dude.” Kash shook his head. “I fucked this chick last night and am still walking funny.”

“Fuck, dude. You’re the most obscene asshole I know.” Alex started laughing and gestured for the Crown again.

“Dude, she rode me so fucking hard I thought my dick would snap in half.”

“You always get the wild ones,” Alex said around the bottle of booze.

Kash shrugged and looked back at the blonde who was now bent over. “Nah, man, they seem to find me. Although I’m not complaining.”

“I wouldn’t think so.” Alex handed the bottle back and knew he was done for the night. He rolled his head on his shoulders back and forth, closing his eyes and feeling a deep ache settle in him that he’d feel tomorrow, not just from the alcohol, but also the fight and the fact he was just bone fucking tired.

“You look like you may keel over right now, dude.”

Alex nodded. “Yeah.” He ran a hand over his face and exhaled. “Maybe I should just head home. If I show up late again Coach will have my ass. And his patience for me being a fuck-up is wearing thin.”

“Dude, short of murder, I think you’ll be good. Coach Marx needs your talent too much to let you go.”

Alex shrugged. “Maybe, but I don’t want to keep fucking things up, not when I got it good. Besides, they may not kick me off the team, but he’d bench my ass for sure.”

Kash grinned over at him. “You need a ride or you walking?”

Alex shook his head. “I know you’re just starting the night and drinking, so it’s cool, man. I’ll walk. Not like I can’t use the fresh air to clear my head.” After clapping each other’s hands, Alex headed out of the house and started walking home.

The two-story house he shared with three other guys, wasn’t far from the frat party. He’d known Jordyn, Racer, and Klein since freshman year and they met at the dorms. Then they’d gotten the rental off campus the beginning of the year, and as they said, the rest was history.

The Crown started really kicking in when he saw his house. He stumbled up the porch steps two at a time, which was a bad idea since he tripped over the last one and nearly fell on his face in front of the door. He made it inside, the interior lights on despite the late hour, and when he rounded the entryway and walked into the living room he saw why.

Racer sat on the couch with a brunette positioned on the floor on the other side of the coffee table between them. Books and papers were strewn across the scarred wooden table, and it was clear they were working on school shit.

“Adam, you know this stuff.” She rubbed her eyes. “It’s late, we are both exhausted, and I don’t think any more information is going to stick tonight.” She looked up and stared at Racer, and Alex was struck by the intensity of her blue eyes.

Adam “Racer” McNamara was on his fifth year at BMU because he couldn’t decide what he wanted to be when he “grew up”. He had a shit load of credits, but they were so random and spread out that Alex didn’t even think he had one degree under his belt. Why anyone would want to hang around and dish out tuition was beyond him, but then again, Racer came from money and mommy and daddy were footing the bill.

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