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Musketeers (Fallen MC 2)

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“Well, I’ve about had enough of this fucking day. I’m ready for it to be over. Let’s get our heads down and we’ll sort through the rest of this shit storm in the morning.”

He knelt on the bed and shuffled over to Bianca and slowly guided her to the middle of the mattress. He pulled the covers up to her chest and then lay down next to her on top of the covers.

King wanted them all wrapped together in a naked huddle but you had to start somewhere. He turned off the light and followed Bones onto the bed. He didn’t think any of them would be getting much sleep, their minds too busy planning vengeance, but at least they knew their angel was safe and protected. As he heard Bianca’s breaths deepen, he let his eyes drift closed.


Bianca woke up warm and sublimely comfortable for the first time in weeks. Covers were packed tightly around her body, effectively pinning her in place. Someone was obviously worried about her and the thought made her smile. Taking a deep breath, she let the delicious scents of the men who had spent the night surrounding her permeate throughout her sore body.

Wiggling out of what had to be the biggest bed in the world, she left the bedroom to make her way to the bathroom. Her mind drifted back to the night. She’d woken up several times, scared and panicking, but each time she was soothed back to sleep by deep, rumbly reassurances and her hands held in a tight, firm grip.

It wasn’t their comfort that kept her attention now though. She replayed each touch that wasn’t directed at her. It had taken her a few minutes to accept what she was seeing, sure that the lingering touches and strong grips she’d watched between the guys hadn’t been imagined by her. Once she woke to Digger cuddled up to her side, his head buried in her neck. When she turned her head to see the other two, she found King sprawled over Bones with his hand buried in the back of his thick blonde hair.

It took her a few times to convince herself that these three men were together, but there was no other conclusion to be reached. One giant bed fit for three giants, the familiar touches and their refusal to separate – simply male friends just didn’t fit the scenario.

She took a long moment to imagine what it would be like to be included in their debauchery. Her centre warmed and travelled right through her limbs. She had peered around the room with a critical eye and didn’t see anything to suggest that there was a woman in the mix. She supposed there could have been one in the past, but there was no sign of one now. God, maybe there were more men who just weren’t here at the minute. She tried to image more than three but she thought her brain might malfunction.

Pulling herself out of those unobtainable fantasies, she concentrated on what was important. She needed to find her sister and nephew and make sure they were safe, she needed to know if Dane had found them and if he knew about her escape. But first, she had to face her rescuers, the three men had her eternal gratitude and were quickly stealing her heart.

Leaving the bathroom, she heard the now familiar voices drifting up the stairs, accompanied by the delicious smell of bacon. That smell alone overpowered any hesitancy she had to join them as her stomach gave a loud rumble at that very moment.

The conversation abruptly stopped as she peered around the bottom of the stairs into the kitchen. It was quite a view for a woman to see first thing in the morning. Three blonde gods, sculpted and tattooed, looking at her like she was the reason the sun had risen.

Wringing her hands together in nervousness, she stuttered out “M..m..morning.” Her voice came out too quiet and squeaky for her liking. She rallied her confidence and cleared her throat, “Morning.”

King strode forward and took her hand in his and gave a reassuring squeeze. “Come sit down, Angel. We need to get some food into you and then we need to talk.”

Bianca could only nod as she slid into a free seat at the table. In a matter of seconds, a plate piled high with bacon, eggs and waffles was placed in front of her with a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice. Her stomach sounded again in appreciation.

She wanted to seem to have manners but hunger made her shovel the food into her mouth at an alarming rate. She didn’t look at them as she ate, afraid her nerves would return and turn her stomach. As she swallowed the last mouthful of her ice cold juice she slumped back into the chair and let a long sigh escape with both her hands resting on her now packed belly. A smile stretched out across her face as the feelings of warmth, comfort and fullness had her practically giddy.

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