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Musketeers (Fallen MC 2)

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Bianca instantly felt awful and selfish. She hadn’t spared a thought for anyone else. She’d just assumed that Dane wouldn’t go after her in public, yet he’d sent someone to shoot her at her apartment building and there could have easily been someone around when she left. After King had explained she just wanted to go back to the compound. She didn’t even want Digger, King and Bones out in the open. By now, whoever was watching them would have easily figured out that they were her protectors and they could be killed just for that.

“Maybe we should just head back.” She said as casually as possible with panic steadily building in her chest.

Bones saw right through her and cupped her face, “We’ve dealt with far worse than fucking with Dane and Riot in the past. We won’t underestimate him and he sure as fuck won’t be underestimating us if he knows even a little bit about who we are.”

“Half of Riot got put in the ground on the day we found you,” King pointed out. “There’s just a hand full of fuckers who want revenge for us tearing their club apart.”

“We’re gathering intel on them now, then they’ll be dealt with and we can move on. But more importantly you and your sister will be free of Dane for good. You just have to be patient.” Digger reassured her. “This is the last we’ll be saying on it too. This is club business now and you don’t get involved with that shit. You just have to trust us.”

Bianca felt overwhelmed and cared for. She tried to hug them all in one go, but her spread arms barely encompassed their fronts. They laughed at her dilemma and each pulled her in for a knee-weakening kiss. Then King picked her up and sat her on his bike. They made their way back to the clubhouse and she couldn’t help but search around her for threats.


Two weeks had passed and Bianca was settling in to club life. There were moments when it was scary and times like now, sat with other old lady’s in the bar, laughing and joking while their men were outside fixing the border fence and plotting out acres for the new Fallen neighbourhood.

When the guys had told her about the club’s plans to build houses on their unused land and showed her the corner plot they’d picked, she was astonished. They’d shown her the design they were considering for the house and it was beautiful. They said she had cart blanch if she wanted to change anything. She loved it just the way they designed it, she only added a wraparound porch. She could just imagine them sat out at night, having a drink and just enjoying being together.

She didn’t need to ask if they wanted kids. The plans had three large bedrooms on the same floor as the master for ‘all our kids.’ She was shocked and didn’t ask about the logistics of having a baby with three daddies. The talk of kids got them all horned up and she indulged in an afternoon in the bedroom. For now, she was thankful she had the birth control implant in her arm.

She really liked Shel, Jewel and Nicole. They were sat telling their stories of how they got together with their men. Nicole’s story was horrific, but then again Shel and Jewel’s weren’t picture perfect either.

Bianca winced as Nicole jolted when her babies decided to kick her. She still had about a month to go before her c-section and Bianca didn’t know how she was going to get about.

“At least you haven’t got to push ‘em out yourself. I swear to god, Rod tried coming out in a starfish position, plus he’s got his daddy’s big head,” Shel joked.

“Yeah, I only have to be cut open, have organs temporarily removed and three kids yanked out. It’ll be no problem.” Nicole answered, rolling her eyes.

“You’ll do great,” Jewel reassured her, patting her hand.

“I can only moan about it with you girls. If Duke hears me, he has a melt-down and I spend the next few days in bed, and not in the good way, until he calms down.” Nicole rubbed her bump. “He has a love hate thing going on at the moment. He loves feeling the boys kick and talks to them all the time, but if they move and dig into my ribs or kick hard, he tries to discipline them in this tough ‘I’m your father, you’ll listen to me’ type of voice. It’s pretty sweet actually.”

“I loved it when my sister was pregnant. She’d lie the baby clothes on her bump to measure them. It was an easy pregnancy too, she didn’t have sickness, weight gain or anything,” Bianca shared.

Jewel leaned forward over the table towards her, “Please tell that story again when Hollywood can overhear. He’s been putting off having a baby for a couple of years now and I nearly have him agreeing to trying now that the houses are being built. The problem is that all the pregnancy and birth stories you hear are horrendous, and then this one gets pregnant,” she points to Nicole smirking, “and has three babies. Three! Hollywood seemed sure we’d end up with the same. It wasn’t until he found out the odds of that happening were astronomical that he started considering it again.”

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