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Chosen as the Sheikh's Royal Bride

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Surely not. Was he so shallow as that?

When she didn’t sit down beside him, Omar rose abruptly to his feet. “Thank you for coming to Paris to meet me, Dr. Farraday.”

“No problem.” She gave him a crooked smile. “Thanks for the two million for cancer research.”

He couldn’t look away from her smile, or the way her eyes suddenly sparkled beneath the chandeliers. “You must tell me about your latest scientific breakthroughs.”

The smile on her face dropped away. Why? Because he’d reminded her of the important cancer research she was neglecting to be here? She gave an awkward laugh. “I, uh, don’t like to talk about it. Most people find the details very dull.”

“Try me. I’m not a scientist, but I do keep up on developments in the search for the cure for biphenotypic acute leukemia.”

Her voice was a croak. “You do?”

Omar gave a short nod. “Perhaps later, while discussing your research, we could also discuss an additional donation from my country’s charitable fund.”

There. The perfect bait to make any scientist talk.

And yet she still didn’t.

“Uh—maybe later,” she managed. She glanced around the salon, then leaned forward to whisper, “Why did you really want me to stay in Paris? For an insider’s opinion on your potential brides? Or just for comic relief?”

“Maybe I like your company,” he said. “I enjoyed talking to you in the garden.”

“You should have told me who you were...” Then she shook her head. “Never mind. It doesn’t matter.”

“No, you’re right,” he said softly. “I should have told you. I was just surprised. I’m not accustomed to people not recognizing me.”

“That’s funny. I’m used to being invisible. To everyone.” As their eyes locked, her face looked strangely vulnerable. “Why did you choose me?”

She didn’t know how beautiful she was, he realized. How could any woman as beautiful, incredible and important as Dr. Edith Farraday have such a low opinion of her own value?

She hadn’t known who Omar was when they’d met in the garden last night. That had seemed strange enough. But it seemed Dr. Farraday didn’t know who she was, either. Or how truly amazing she was.

Even now, with his vizier and servants and the other would-be brides watching their every move, all Omar could think about was how much he liked her. Perhaps she could be taught diplomacy, and she’d give up her lab and—

He stopped the thought cold. His body was willing to argue anything that would allow him to seduce her.

“I wanted you to stay because I’m curious,” he said.

Her expression became guarded. “Curious? About what?”

“About you,” he said honestly, even as he told himself he couldn’t have her. She was too consumed by her important work. She would make a poor queen, if forced to quit her research, and she’d be desperately unhappy. She was absolutely forbidden to him. He was sending her home tomorrow.

And that, of course, made him want her even more. He ground his teeth.

“Sire.” His vizier appeared at his elbow. “It is time for your first date.”

“Yes.” With an inward sigh, Omar gave Dr. Farraday a brief, respectful bow. “Until later.”

She gave a brief smile. “Of course. Good luck.”

She was wishing him luck? On his dates with other women?

“You truly are a mystery.” The last low word hung between them, intimately, like a promise. He held out his hand.

She hesitated, then took it.

As their palms touched, Omar felt an electric shock against his skin, passing through muscle and blood and bone. When he enfolded her smaller hand in his own, his whole body came alive.

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