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XL Candy Cane: A Filthy Dirty Christmas

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“Perfect,” she says. “Thanks. And you wanted the signature cocktail served at 10:00 PM, correct?”

“That's perfect,” I confirm. “If you need anything else, I'm gonna be up in the nursery putting Christopher down for his afternoon nap, all right?” I suppress a yawn, thinking I need a nap too. I’ve been so tired lately.

Jenna smiles. “Oh, I won't need to bother you. I've got everything, but I just have to tell you,” she adds, “you are such a good mom. I don't think I've seen a happier baby in my life.”

Her words give me the confidence I need as I leave the kitchen and walk upstairs to the nursery. It's been a huge adjustment, becoming a mother. I don't have a lot of other moms around me. I don't have one of my own and none of my friends have kids yet here in Vegas, so I'm still getting used to motherhood. Cane said maybe I should join a mommy and me group to meet some other moms in the neighborhood, and I think it's a good idea.

Once the holidays pass, I'm going to start researching because I want to be not only a good wife but also a good mother.

After I get Christopher down, I realize it's time to start getting myself ready for the party. I find his babysitter has just arrived. She meets me in the hallway outside of the nursery.

“Hi Tori,” I say. “I didn't realize it was already time for you to get here. Christopher just went down.”

“Perfect,” she says. “I'll just clean up some of the toys while he sleeps. Is there anything else you need from me?”

I shake my head no. “But thanks for cleaning up. You don't have to do that.”

“It's no problem,” she says. “And you're supposed to have fun relaxing tonight. If he's fussing or needs anything, I promise I'll come find you, but go get ready. Enjoy yourself.”

I exhale, feeling relieved that my baby is in such capable hands. “I really appreciate it. I've been exhausted lately.”

“Well, I'm not surprised considering you have a newborn!”

I thank her again before walking to my bedroom, but I don't think my exhaustion is just a newborn thing. I have tons of help. I'm extra tired and my breasts are extra tender.

Once I get in the bathroom, I pull open my medicine cabinet, doing the one thing I've been too nervous to do even though it's been in the back of my mind. Swallowing, I lock the door, holding my breath.

An hour later I'm ready for the party, wearing a red velvet dress, my long dark hair curled softly. But my nerves have me all spun up.

Cane has joined me in the bedroom, and the sight of him soothes me. “Are you alright, darling?” he asks.

“I'm fine,” I say but I'm not. I'm a nervous wreck, and it's nothing to do with the guests downstairs or the party.

“The house looks amazing. And I saw Tori's here with Christopher. I just checked on them; she says he's happy as ever. But he always is because he has an amazing mother,” Cane says, wrapping his arms around me, giving me a gentle kiss on the cheek. “You’re incredible.”

“Thank you,” I say. “I love you so much.” I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a tight embrace. “This last year has been the best year of my life. I thought giving my heart over to the man of my dreams was going to be wonderful but it's more than that. It's been everything.”

“What is it?” Cane asks. “Are you alright?” His hands are on my hips, and he looks into my eyes, searching them. “You seem like you're gonna cry?”

“I'm just…” I shrug.

“Don't be nervous. It's just a Christmas party,” he says. “And the caterers have everything under control, and Jenna said she went down the itinerary with you and–”

“It's not that,” I say. “I don't care about the party. I mean, I care about it–”

“What is it then?” Cane asks. “Believe me, whatever it is, we can get through it together.”

I press my lips in a line. “I hope you're right,” I tell him.

“Well now you got me worried,” he says.

“It's just…” I walk over to my dresser and pull out a box that I wrapped up this afternoon before I dressed for the party. “Here's your Christmas gift.”

“Is this your new tradition?” Cane asks. “Maybe Christmas gifts before Christmas, at the party, like you did last year?”

I smile. “It's not exactly my virginity.”

He laughs. “You can't give that twice, can you?” Cane’s eyes widen in shock as he unwraps the gift. “Oh God, Lucia,” he says. “Really, love?”

I nod, tears in my eyes. “I just took the test. I can't believe it either. I took four actually, to make sure, but I just wrapped up one of them for you.”

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