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XL Candy Cane: A Filthy Dirty Christmas

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Fiona, though, she's standing up. "This cannot be real."

"Oh, it's real," I say.

"This is ridiculous. I mean, he's twice your age."

"So?" I say. "There are stranger things than that."

"Have you guys, are you guys like, hooking up already?"

I shake my head, "No, no. I mean, I want to, but–"

She shakes her head, closes her eyes. "Oh my God. This is a lot to process."

"Please," I say. "Don't process any of it. It's not like I sit around thinking about you and Flynn having sex."

She exhales, reaches for her champagne glass, downs the whole damn thing. "Fair point. Okay, so that's true. It's not like you need to imagine my husband and me having sex, so I don't exactly need to imagine you and my dad having sex."

I smile. "Right. See, you're so pragmatic."

Her eyebrows lift. "You really have the hots for my dad?"

"Are you really going to be this cool about it?" I ask her back.

She laughs. "Do I have a choice?"

I shrug. "Actually, I don't think so."

She rolls her eyes. "This is so fucked up."

"It could be worse though, right?"

"How?" she asks. "I mean, are you going to like, try to be my stepmom or something?"

I laugh. "Oh God." Then I shrug. "Actually, technically, yes I am. And I hope I can get your dad to give me a baby which would mean like, I'm going to have your sibling someday or something."

Fiona shakes her head. "Okay, that's going way too far."

"Is it, though?" I laugh. "Because I think it's just far enough."

She rolls her eyes. "You're like, way too extra."

I laugh, drinking the rest of my champagne. "You're seriously not freaked out?"

"I still can't believe you're a virgin," she says. "Oh my God," she covers her mouth with her hand. "Are you going to try to lose your virginity with my father?"

"Yeah," I cringe. "Can you handle that?"

She shakes her head. "Okay, I think that's the line that we've crossed that I can't handle."

"All right. We'll just say it happened, but I won't give you any details."

"Oh God, please, no details ever!" Fiona laughs, but I also know she is dead serious. We may be best friends, but some things are just way too much. Me sleeping with her father is territory we are going to have to tread very carefully.

I press my lips together, suppressing a massive grin, happiness bubbling in my belly as I realize that I just crossed the biggest obstacle off my list.

If Fiona can handle this, then I guess all that's left for me to do is get the nerve to tell Cane I'm ready.

I'm ready to be his Christmas gift.



Fiona and the team of decorators have really outdone themselves this year. My home looks more festive than ever, and the guests seem to be enjoying themselves. It's me that seems to be in the sour mood.

I notice Lex walking toward me and I brace myself, preparing myself for the worst, thinking for a split second that he's somehow wormed his way into my mind and knows my innermost thoughts, that I want to fuck his daughter senseless, that I want to suck her pussy until she's dripping all over me, until I can sink my thick candy cane deep in her tight little cunt.

Of course, he can't know all of that, though, and I've regained my senses as he's finally made his way through the crowd and over to me.

"Cane," he says with a grin, "I forgot to tell you something."

I’m thinking he's going to want to talk business. That's what it's always about with Lex. That's how we got to know one another in the first place, he and I, doing business deals here in the city of sin.

His casino, the Crown Plaza, is a gem, for sure, and I think he's got a solid head on his shoulders. He knows what happens in the city just as much as I do.

"I don't want to talk shop tonight," I tell him. "Can't we think about something a little bit more Christmassy?"

He smiles, reaching for glasses of champagne as they pass by on a cocktail waitress’s arm as she saunters away. Luckily for me, I don't have eyes for her and surprisingly, Lex doesn't seem to either.

He's the kind of guy who usually would go home after an event like this with some waitress on his arm. He's been single for as long as I have, or at least not with anyone serious, but he's not looking at that waitress tonight.

"What gives?" I ask him.

He shrugs, "Look, I realize your daughter was trying to set Samantha up with you but–"

I raise a hand. "I'm not interested in her."

Lex presses a hand to his chest. "I've got to say, I am pretty relieved to hear that."

"Are you? Tell me why."

Lex shrugs, and I realize he's almost embarrassed, nervous. He takes a drink of his champagne, more like a gulp.

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