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The Millionaire's Snowbound Seduction

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She’d said something about needing a few weeks of peace and quiet, but from what? What could be stressful about the life of a rich woman who had everything she wanted? Unless…

His mouth became a thin line.

Unless it had to do with some guy. Unless she was getting over some guy. He couldn’t think of any other reason for a woman like Holly to deliberately hide herself away in such an isolated place, where there wouldn’t be a servant within calling distance.

Or—or maybe she wasn’t going to be alone, all those weeks. For all he knew, a lover could be joining her.

Or a husband.

Nick’s hands tightened even more on the steering wheel. Why not a husband? There was no reason Holly wouldn’t have married again. She was still young, still beautiful, still everything any man could possibly want.

A muscle bunched in his jaw as he pulled up outside the cabin. He’d made such a fast exit that he hadn’t asked any questions. Now, he would.

Gingerly, he touched his mouth and then his head. Damn right, he would.

She at least owed him an explanation.

* * *

Holly sat in the middle of the bed, snug under layers of blankets. Her knees were up, her arms were wrapped around them, and she was warm. Well, warm enough. And safe.

Nick was neither. How could she have let him drive that road on a night like this? The snow. The ice. The wind, and the dark.

She shuddered.

Nick was a good driver, sure. He’d been into motorcycle racing when they’d first met but sending him out into a snowstorm, on North Mountain…

‘Are you asking me to stay?’ he’d asked.

She sighed. If only he hadn’t asked it the way he had, in that low voice she remembered all too well, with desire for her etched into every hard plane of his face. She could have said yes, she wanted him to stay, that he could sleep on the sofa because it would be foolhardy for him to risk his neck on the road.

And that would have been all she meant…

Wouldn’t it?

She sighed, closed her eyes, and let her head droop against her upraised knees.

Absolutely. The invitation would have been an act of kindness, nothing more. They were adults, and adults could surely share three rooms and a bath for one night, especially when whatever it was that had drawn them together years ago was long since dead…

She groaned and fell back against the pillows.

Who was she kidding? She knew exactly what it was that had drawn them together. Sex. Sex, plain and simple. She’d been almost painfully young, and incredibly naïve. No boy had ever done more than kiss her goodnight, before Nick. But, with him, kisses weren’t enough. Touching wasn’t enough. She’d wanted him, begged him to take her…

It was still embarrassing to remember her abandon. No wonder she’d convinced herself that what she felt for Nick was love, not lust. Nick, in his faded jeans and his black leather motorcycle jacket, with that look of defiance on his gorgeous face…

Holly drew a ragged breath.

The Nick who’d shown up tonight was a different man. The custom-made suit, the pricey trench coat… She smiled to herself. He’d found what he’d always wanted, and it certainly hadn’t been her.

Nick had figured that out first. He’d been out in the world. He’d realized that they’d been wrong for each other, and they’d parted like two civilized people. No accusations, no fights, no regrets, only the bittersweet realization that sex hadn’t been enough.

But it was still there. The heat. The excitement. The desire.

Holly shivered, and burrowed deeper into the blankets.

It was probably a good thing he’d left. What was there to worry about? He’d make it down the mountain just fine. Besides, if he’d had any doubts about the road, he’d never have…

What was that?

Holly’s head came up sharply. She’d heard something. The throaty growl of an engine.

‘Nick?’ she said.

She tossed aside the blankets and leaped from the bed. The wind and the cold had rimed the window with snow but…

Yes. Oh, yes. It was Nick.

Had he come back for her?

She put her hand over her breast. Her heart was thumping so hard it felt as if it were going to ram against her ribs.

Nick rummaged inside the Explorer, took out his carry-on bag. When he straightened up, she could see his face clearly in the moonlight. Her heart thumped again. He was so handsome. Big, and masculine, with those hazel eyes that never seemed quite certain if they were green or brown, that proud nose, that wonderful, sexy mouth.

He looked up. Holly knew he couldn’t see her but she fell back against the wall anyway. Her breathing quickened. Would he knock? Or—

He used his key. She heard the door open, then slam shut. Heard his footsteps on the stairs.

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