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The Billionaire's Obsession (An Heir At Any Price 1)

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Chapter Nine


I woke up the next morning in my new room, slightly disoriented but still lost in the afterglow of our lovemaking from the night before. I looked over to my left and then to my right - the bed was that big. It was empty too, other than me, void of a gorgeous, dark eyed man.

I sat up, stretched and reached for my phone. There were no missed calls, so Mom must have done okay during the night. I needed to start working on finding a facility for her to rehab in before she was ready for discharge. I had the day off today so I decided now was as good a time as any. First, I called the unit where she was admitted and asked to talk to her nurse.

“This is RN Bennett,” the pleasant female voice said.

“Hi, this is Holly Valentine. I was calling to check on my mother, Betty.”

“Yes, hello Holly. Mrs. Valentine’s medical condition is very much improved since her admission. The doctor ordered lab work on her last night and it came back much better than the first day she was here. Her blood glucose is back to normal and her vital signs are all good.”

“Is she giving you a hard time?” I asked.

The nurse laughed and said, “She’s a bit…obstinate.”

“Yes,” I agreed. “That she is. Do you have any idea when she may be ready for discharge?”

“So far, the plan is for tomorrow,” the nurse told me. That meant I better get busy. If she went home before rehab, chances are she would go on a bender and she’d refuse to go…until the next time.

I thanked the nurse and told her I’d be by later but I was available by phone. Then I called the social worker, Bridgette.

“Hi Bridgette, this is Holly Valentine.”

“Yes, hello, Holly. I just came from seeing your mother a bit ago.”

“Her nurse says that physically she’s doing well. How is her mental health holding up?”

“Well, you know that the first couple of days sober are the hardest. She’s not happy, with any of us.”

I laughed and said, “Yes, I’m sure I’ll get an earful when I come down to see her in a bit. I was wondering if you may have a list of rehab facilities that I could pick up today.”

“Yes, absolutely. I’ll leave it with her nurse for you.” I thanked her and hung up. Now, I needed to search my new digs for some coffee. I made my way out to the kitchen and found a fresh-brewed pot. Aiden had scratched out a little note that said:

“My driver is available if you need to go anywhere or would like to get started moving your things over. I have meetings all day but will be home in time to have dinner. Think of what you might like and we’ll have it delivered in. Have a good day. P.S. the check is for your first week’s pay.”

I picked up the check. It had a lot of numbers on it. It was definitely more than I made at the cafe in a week, even if you counted my tips. I read the note again. The truth be told, I read it three times, looking for a sign that he enjoyed our night together as much as I did. It wasn’t there, and I told myself to stop looking for it. I was only going to make this harder on myself if I didn’t stop. I took my coffee and went out onto the expansive balcony. There were beautiful lounge chairs and two little bistro tables, but I stood against the wrought-iron railing instead and looked out over the city. I was on top of the world. I looked down towards the sidewalk and wondered how painful it was going to be to fall.


I spoke to the nurse and picked up the list of facilities before I went in to see Mom. She was sitting up in bed, watching Young and Restless when I walked in.

“There you are! I thought something had happened to you since you hadn’t been here for so long.”

Guilt trip, check. “Hi Mom,” I said, ignoring her remark. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I got hit by a truck. Please get me out of here, Holly, I need to go home and sleep in my own bed.”

I raised an eyebrow and said, “You’re not going home right away, Mom. Remember?”

“Oh, Holly. It’s out of my system now. That’s the hard part. I don’t need to sit in one of those fancy hospitals and listen to a bunch of fancy words. I know I need to stop drinking. I heard everything the doctor had to say about it.”

“I’m not taking you home,” I said.


“No Mother, listen. I am not taking you home. I can’t force you to go to rehab, but I’m done with this. I am ready to have my own life and I can’t do that because I’m always trying to fix yours. So here’s the deal. You go to rehab and I will do everything I can do to make sure it all goes smoothly for you. I’ll hire someone while you’re gone to clean up and do all the repairs that the house needs and when you get out, I will still be around. If you refuse to go, then you walk out of here on your own and you stay on your own. I’m finished with all of this mother, I’m


Mom looked shocked. It was the first time ever that I had threatened to walk away. I wasn’t just making threats either. I was ready to follow through on that promise. My mother looked like she believed it too. I expected tears or an argument so I was surprised when she simply said, “Okay.”

I waited for the rest. When it didn’t come I replied, “Good, okay. I’m going by the house today to pack you a bag. The nurse says you will likely be discharged tomorrow so I have to work fast. You behave okay?”

My mother smiled and said, “You forget which one of us is the mother.”

I bent and kissed her on the forehead and said, “Hopefully that will change soon.”


I had my mother’s things packed and the arrangements made for her rehab. Within a couple of hours after leaving the hospital. I was not surprised but definitely a little bit amazed at how much easier money made everything. The last time I’d tried to get my mother into rehab on only her Medicaid and most of them had turned us down flat. The one that would take her had a three month waiting list. This time when I was ready, willing and able to pay cash, my mother was suddenly more than welcome.

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